Aug 22, 2005 17:39

so this is going to be the last entry for a few days dno if i'm going to be able to use the computer before i get to scotland...

well in any case....today was great...at parts...seeing francesca was awesome and so was holly...two people i'm going to miss a ton! other parts of the day were funny/odd/dno what i feel about it. i guess its good? i don't really know, its funny that it seems to happen to me alot. on one person it could have been handled better and on the other person thank you. god damn i have such good friends...i love you guys sooo much. this next year is going to be really hard...i realized this when i was very glad to have francesca there with me today when i heard certain things...but there will be email and there will be aim and in the instance of emergencies there will be the phone....

so now i leave you with a song from rent, unless you hate it then don't read it hahah.

and im really sry it happens to be the one we sang in chorus...

Without you
The hand gropes
The ear hears
The pulse beats
Life goes on
But I'm gone
'Cause I die
Without you
I die without you
I die without you
I die without you

There's only now
There's only here
Give in to love
Or live in fear
No other path
No other way
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today
No day but today

No day but today
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