May 17, 2004 12:40
well it's been an interesting few weeks. annalee was dedicated on may 9, which was also my first mother's day. it was so awesome and tom did lots of nice things to make me feel special. plus, it was so awesome to have annalee's dedication on mother's day.
all of tom's family came in from new york, and bran and shan came in from indy. then... to top it off, my sister bethann surprised me and came in from missouri. dan (her husband) couldn't come b/c he goes to med school in kirky's and had to study all weekend. smart uncle dan. i was so pumped that almost everyone was there. we had such a nice time and i ordered a cake. which made me feel like such a lady, but until i grow a hunchback i am not really all that old i guess.
another fun update is that our bible study is going to take a "mission trip" to PA to help tom and i move into our house. this is very exciting b/c, turns out, moving is very expensive. so, this is going to be a huge help if it all works out. i am getting excited to move, but also sort of nervous. it will be fun/weird to be back out there. but, it will be good to finish school and be on our own.
so... i guess that's all that's going on around here. tom is looking for a teaching job (and watching tech t.v.) and i am chillin like a villian with the little peanut (who is rolling over, reaching, laughing, and even starting to creep and scoot... she will be crawling in no time.) it's a simple life.
also, this just in. i have an obnoxious little online stalker. oh, how sneaky and clever.
alright, since only a small handful of people even read this... i am going to give some individual shout outs. to gabby - the reigning lj queen, i admire your faithfulness to all that is livejournal related. man, two different livejournals, and regular updates without fail. you are my internet hero. to heather - enough commenting already, just start a freakin livejournal. and if all else fails, pull a sean and get me a ridiculous amount of gifts. to christine - not bad. you haven't updated in like a year, then you update twice in one day (and not since then by the way.) get your act together. to tom - you are my husband and you don't even read my updates. what's with this? two become one man. let's comment alright. one might suggest that because we live together and what not, it's not necessary for you to also support me within the lj community, but one is mistaken. love me and love my livejournal. and finally magic dan. you know what makes you magic? your ability to vanish entirely from the livejournal scene. wherefore art though magic dan?