Sep 08, 2006 02:20

Haha! I return from Anime Fest 2006 with much booty! Including a bazillion pictures... xDD

Let's meander through my endless photos of cosplayers to tell the stories of A-fest '06... 8D

We finally arrived in Dallas LATE, and damn, we were hungry and just glad to be there. We checked into the hotel after a bit of a wait--it was buuusy and the vallets were trying to unpack our car before we gave them the okay >_>;;--and once we finally managed out of the car and into the hotel, we hurried to the restaurant to catch them just before we closed.

I brought Chichi with me, and not five minutes into sitting for dinner, Nick pokes me, and he was like, "Look at the next table over >.>" and I did, and was like, "Huh? Oo" and he was urged, "Look in the empty seat! >_<" and I looked, and there were DOLLS 8D And that's how I met Allison. :D A lovely girl with beautiful Volks dolls--as if I can remember the sculpts >>;;--along with her boyfriend, Crispy, and their friends, whose names I didn't catch. We ran into Allison at all the doll meets and into Crispy on the last day. x3 It was nice--we chatted and my aunt, Lee, FINALLY got to see a female doll, like she's been DYING to. xP

The adults--my mother and aunt--went up to the room, and we started wandering. We went down to the "con floor" and ran into a couple girls with a pair of Luts dolls--...I have terrible memory >>;;--and another girl who loooved our dolls. This other girl is a good friend of our's now named Houki, and she was part of security. 8D It was awesome. So, I hung out with doll people, we wandered into the game room, peeked around, sat around, wandered about some more, ended up hanging around the hallway around the viewing rooms and chatting with Sasuke the A/V Tech which was supa cool 'cause he was really nice~ ^^ Him and his brother, Random Ninja. xDD I think I also met Vash, then, but... I don't remember x_x More on him when we get to his picture! >_>;

When we finally got back, we got a little scolding for being out so late. >>; But later, once Mom and Lee understood what we had been up to--NOT just sitting around and looking for trouble xP--they relaxed and were less stern about curfew (hell, we didn't have one! It was supa nice 8D).


Man, I'm lucky I took so many pictures. >>; They jog my memory so well. xD;

We stumble into the lobby and upon a hilarious Kingdom Hearts group that would entertain the entire con population throughout the entire convention!

That Goofy was SUPER cool. x3 She raved n' danced with us, and was really funny, and I ended up running around the dealer's room with her for a while. xD

Sora and Roxas danced...

...and fell over...

...and made out 8DD

KHII ending?!

That Roxas was sooo cute >o< I loved her to death. ;_;

Heheheh... >D

Roxas beginning to belt out "The Internet is for Porn!"
It was truly an epic ballad. T^T

Kairi was way cute, too. x3 I loved the keyblade. >o>

The group ended up getting broken up by the hotel staff, claiming they were causing a disturbance (..they were... xDDD) and were in a high-traffic area, so after they dispersed, we wandered on downstairs, to the "con floor."

Cutest Ed EVER >o< Oh my God, she was the PERFECT Ed, despite being, like, seven feet tall. xDDD She was ridiculously skinnyyyy @__@;;

Another Ed. x3 Cute!

I absolutely ADORE this Jet costume. @__@ The guy wore it all weekend and he looked super cool in it. x3 His cigarette had LEDs in the tip, so it glowed. :33

Down by the viewing rooms, we ran into one of the many Sephiroths. xDD This one has the dead Aeris. xDDD I found it funny.

We got tired of wandering around downstairs--plus I was carrying all my dolls @__@--so we went upstairs to rest. My back hurt so bad! ;;

I plopped my boys down, and they lounged...

And I took some pictures of the hotel...

...a plays-itself piano... >_>

Looking down at the lobby...

Glass elevators...

Some cosplayers we saw while hanging out... Benitora from Samurai Deeper Kyo.

This... was the oddest thing ever... >_>;; These Sephiroths were escourting this girl in what looked like Ren Fair stuff around with... what's-it's-name from Street Fighter... xDD

So... odd... >_>

Moving back downstairs we ran into...

V! :D

And not long after, we found the ULTIMATE DUO OF ALL TIMEEEE

...I love it. xDDD

Now a peek into some of the dealers' room stuff~

Cutenessss @__@

Hotness? ;DD
(Yeeeaahhhh, that me 8D; And I know you're all gonna laugh at me, but that corset was strangely uncomfortable! ;_; The one I tried on at AX was comfyyy @__@ This one was tied really unpleasantly. xDDD)


Now some miscellaneous cosplayers from wandering...


Buttsexxxx >D

Dio-samaaa~ >o<

There's our Houki! :D *points at dead nurse* Nice panties, Houkiiii~ xDDD

AHHH THIS VINCENT WAS REALLY HOT @___@ And she won best costume >o< So deserved it..! There's only one person I would have said deserved it more >o<

The trio of Sephiroths! xD

omg chibiKakashi >o> *molest*

Dealer's Room Lolita Rei and Asuka!

Badass chick that made her own Hellhound. >o>

Guilty Gear!

Death Note group~ (Though we met a much cooler L and Misa later. xDD)

...Oh... my... God... @__@; This moogle was hot. TOTALLY inappropriate, but HOT xD;;

Yeah... um.. @__@; *wipes nosebleed*

And after this, I went to the first dollmeet~! Four o'clock! They made us move, like, three times! >> But more on that later. xD I'll be posting up dollstuff tomorrow in a seperate entry. ^^

Cute Noh Faceee~ x3

Noh Face wants some Loli tail...? >_>; (I LOVE THIS PICTURE XDDD)

This is such a random threesome. xDD That's why I snapped their picture--Gaara, Hinata, and Itachi? >> I don't think they even MEET each other in the series. xDD Plus, that HInata was supa cute. x3

Mmm... dead nurse @__@

Dead nurse with hot doctor >o< (The hot doctor wore a tutu on the last night xDD)

...Who is this guy? xDDDD We took a picture of him because we had absolutely NO idea who he was. xDD

Frank! 8D

Me n' Nick enjoying A-Fest! xP


And then... we went and had dinner. >o> At this place called Fuse. I won't bore you with all the details, but let's just say that brisket potstickers are amazing @__@

We found out there was going to be a "rave"(dance party, whatever >_>) later, so we were gettin' all excited for that and hung out in the game room for a while while waiting for the rave to come >o<

Para Para! The greatest game ever... xDD It's like DDR with your hands. 8D There are sensors in the ring at the top and the little figure on the screen shows you how to hit the arrows all spiffy-like. 8D Oh, and that's THE Yaoi Fairy's ear in the corner of the frame. >>;

Count D playing DDR...!

They were having a picnic... xD They gave me gatorade. :D

Gloomy Bear just BELONGS with Count D. xDDD (He's my Gloomy, btw~ :333 Chichi LOVES him xDD)


Luckily we had a handy Reno. xDD (She was HILARIOUS in her skit!! xDD Sooo funny.)

Getting closer to rave time...! I ran into my FAVORITE lolita. x3 He was such a sweetheart.

Random Ninja UNMASKED! Here we're hanging out, waiting for a line to form or the rave to start. xD

They introduced me to Momiji the Sound Bunny. >>;; Apparently he got sick of Akito's shit and moved to Narutoverse! However, when he approached Naruto, the blonde brat promptly punted him. ;; So he went to the Sound Village. xDD

Hanging out... waiting..

The adorable catraverninja..!!

Finally, we got in line, and I met my most favorite L~ His name was Matt and he was tallish and skinny and funny. xDD And he had and awesome pocketwatch. >o> It was really an FMA pocketwatch, but it looked so L!! And when he went to use his cellphone, he held it like L. x33 It was SO cute!

And then this girl, Key, had some friends come over and emo to her, but one of them was the adorable Misaaa..!

Adorable, despite the emo. x3

And finally... the rave began! i took a couple pictures before I was promptly overcome with DANCE and Nick ran off with my camera and Gloomy back to the room before joining me again. :33 The rave was super fun. x33 There was a light display thing on the ceiling... They played a lot of AWESOME songs, but I forget what they played at which, so I'll just name a few from both--they played a remix of the Katamari theme, of O Fortuna, of the Azumanga theme, of a sample of Chiyo's "cooking is so fun!" thing in Japanese, of Yatta... a lot x33 It was great!!

The room was ALOT bigger than this, but I just snapped a picture. xDD

And after dancing and hanging out until four in the morning with a new friend, Diana, we promptly CRASHED, and I got woken up by my mom calling our room and asking if I really wanted to go to the doll panel. xDD I ended up getting up and being a little late. Panel pictures will be in the doll post tomorrow. :3

After the panel, I think I took the boys back to the room before we went to wander around. More cosplayer picturess~


Yotsubaaa~! >o<

And HERE is one of our BEST buddies, Thomas! Thomas was the most amazing Vash EVER x33 He was really, truly great. ^^ He made his entire costume himself, every seam, all the leather, ever piece of metal, and it was COMPLETELY accurate to the comic book, really. :33 It was super impressive and I really admire his dedication! x3 He even made his gun and bent his Vash glasses and everything! x3 ~<3 Thomasss!

More random cosplayersss before the cosplay showing and skitsss~

Sakura and Ino!

Badass Vincent x3


The trio of Gaaras! I had seen the middle one ALL DAY and wanted his picture SO BAD because he was dead handsome. >o< And after I took this picture, the Gaara on the right started squealing and whining at the other two and it made me die laughing. xDDD


Everyone starts filing in~ We tried to go, like, an hour early... and this is what it looked like. >_>;;

The blonde guy is our stalking buddy, Micheal. xD We followed him EVERYWHERE and ran into him at EVERY TURN xDDD It was really funny. He was a cool guy. And yes. They're stripping here. >_>;

The Kingdom Hearts crew were entertaining us by singing Disney songs. x3 It was actually really cool. xDD Sora had a good voice, though it was hoarse, and he was singing songs from The Nightmare Before Christmas when we walked in, but he also did such classics as "A Whole New World" (Aladdin), featuring Axel as Jasmine, and the Pokemon theme, featuring OUR ENTIRE SECTION.

That Rude was really funny. xDD He did a skit where he got everyone to 'boo' at him and cheer for FMA's Roy, and they had a battle... I don't remember it very well, but it was pretty damn funny. xDD

...And then it begins...

And as we're sitting there, watching the English voice actor of Kiba from Naruto announce the beginning of the show, NIck and I turn to each other, AND REALIZE THAT WE HAD RAVED IN AN ELEVATOR WITH HIM!!! dfalknsdfndsf we were like,"OHMYGODLKSAFNLANFDGKAF" and squealed like little girls. XDDD We did the Strongbad rave, and he pulled in the "Dancing Robots!" bit... It was amazing. xDD
There were some REALLY great skits... One of the opening ones was a staged fight between Ky and Sol from Guilty Gear, and then all of the sudden, THEY START MAKING OUT XDDD Most of the costumes were good, but in particular, there was an Ed (from FMA) who had working automail. >o> With a flick of his wrist? A blade shot out over his hand like Ed's automail blade. @__@ It was super, super cool.
There was a lot of buttsex and several funny skits, but one of the award-winning ones was one with Aeris and Rikku chatting about how they felt like they'd "lost their game" and needed to join an anime to be cool, and basically ripped at all the storylines of today's popular anime. xD It was funny.
But then Thomas did this Trigun skit with a really sweet Wolfwood, and...and... and... ;_____; I cried T________________T It was SO SAD!! I ran up to the Woflwood afterwards and hugged him really tightly and was like, "omg, you're such a good actor! T___T I cried!" and he hugged me and apologized, but clearly appreciated the compliment. xD

The judging ceremony took WAY too long, especially since we were all getting geared up and ready for the rave. x3 Me and Nick bought a RIDICULOUS amount of glowsticks for RIDICULOUSLY cheap because some of the dealers were leaving early and didn't want all that crap to come back with them. xDD We got, like, 15 bracelet glowstick packs for 50 cents. >o> Anyways, we ended up with WAY too many glowsticks, but somehow, by the end of the night, I had no glowsticks! T__T

Uhh... before the rave, we had this floating in the hallway:

We raved until four in the morning and then hung out with Thomas, a Turk Vincent that had been hanging out with us that was really nice, and Mana @___@ I was so honored to be hanging with this girl, Celia, who was Mana in the last performance--a Malice Mizer song. She was so beautiful up there. ;_;!

We collapsed by the bathrooms, at first, but then ended up on the second floor, and I got to sit in Vash's lap! He was so comfy!! x33 I gave him snuggles and he started falling asleep. He was so cuuuute x3

We all made plans to see each other at future cons. :3

Last day! Busy day. x_x Had to get all the stuff ready for the valets, worry about my boys, and get down to help our anime store guy pack up. xP Managed to grab some last cosplay pictures, hang out with Sasuke the A/V and Houki the security guard, and got awesome free posters! x3

This guy looked SO like Kevin Smith. xDDD He was really cool. He helped out(?) at both the raves we went to. xD He seemed so nice. xD

The Almight Crowd Pleaser, Sora, and my favorite Roxas. :33

This is, like... my favorite pose of all time. @__@ It's so good >_< <333!

Haha, Japanese CSI poster Houki nabbed. xDD

After that, we parted ways and headed off to help Black Dog--the anime guy--pack up. I spent a lot of time sitting in the drizzle with the van. >>; And got my finger scraped. x_x
But while we were packing up, I saw this GREAT Anderson I had been admiring go by, and I KNEW I had to get his picture for a friend of mine, so I asked him if I could just get a quick picture of my friend, and he was like, "I'll see what I can do. :)" and then went and put on the rest of his costume real quick and let me take a couple pictures!!


...And that's the end...!

DAMN that was a good con. :D COUNT ME IN NEXT YEAR...!!

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