- Oh, yeah now I remember why R. Saris' face is all messed up! That explosion in the season premiere episode.. (:hits palm on head:) Duh!! And also he's in a confidential informant program? Hmm?? (info here:
http://www.confidentialinformant.org )
- Whoa, Frank!! Got a crush on Bonnie Galinetti (aka Brooke Burns), huh?? LOL! Kinda sweet scene :)
- BTW, what happened to Julia towards the end? It seems she injured herself or somethin'?? After re-watching that scene about 3 times, I still didn't quite understood that at all...hopefully it will be resolved in the finale or next season (hopefully).
- BOO to the writers for no Valera...again!! It seems to be ages since we've last seen her. Natalia seems to be missing, too? Or maybe I wasn't paying attention enough to notice?? Who knows?? :~/ Oh, yeah, finally R. Stetler is back!! There's been so much shit goin' on around the lab and such it's about time he showed his face.