Shamelessly stolen from
shaggydogstail, since I really feel like writing some drabble-ish-length fic:
Comment with two characters I'm familiar with, and I'll tell you how they kissed (the first time)
In terms of fandoms, I'm really familiar with Torchwood, modern Doctor Who and Sunshine (the movie.) If you feel like throwing a well-known character from Harry Potter or Pirates of the Caribbean in there too, by all means do--but, as with the rest, it's possible that I won't feel able to write it, or just not be interested. You could also throw in other characters from popular culture I'm likely to know, and I'll just tell you if I don't, but Winnie the Pooh fic is way out.
(Well, unless it's a really great pairing.)
[Edited to add: bizarre crossovers are fine, but expect bizarre and probably implausible explanations for why Toshiko Sato is aboard the Black Pearl with Captain Jack Sparrow.]