Title: Untitled part 2 rating: Pg-13 pairing: onesided eunhae disclaimer: i own no one and nothing. Notes: So i am a liar and have no life, so lol here is part 2. The song mentioned is One More Time By Jewelry.
Awww! I loved this. Hyuk and unrequited love (sort of) is what I'm really liking here. Please keep writing. I don't know why your fic is so entertaining for me, I think it's because of how you portray Hyuk here. <333
ack! so cute! so cute! OMG I didn't know 2nd chapt was out already? xD haha lol. I read it and I was like. "what? I don't get it..." and then remember I read the first chapter the day before yesterday haha xD:;;; <3 then I started to spaz like crazy for 3 secs of my life because I realized I was reading chapter 2 haha xD;;; Thank you for updating! <33 Now I can finally go to sleep. now that I have had my daily eunhae =w= it's 4:13 am now...
ahaha i'm glad you enjoy this fic (sorry for taking so long to respond to your comment) Wow 4:13 am you stay up late!I'd die staying up that late, my body would just give out. lol. Well thank you for reading :)
Comments 8
Can't wait for part 3~
(The comment has been removed)
B to the I to the G(G) B to the A-N-G (freaky freaky) LET'S DO IT. SO GET THEM HANDS UP HIGH WE'RE GONNA GET THIS PARTY STARTED RIGHT**echo**
Well thank you for reading :)
its cute and sad at the same time.
thanks for the cute/sad fic!XD
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