Title: Masquerade
Rating: PG13+
Warning: Het. O.O also the general warnings you'd expect from me. minor smut. crappy imagery.
Word count: too much effort to get rid of the lyrics and check it. it's not that long.
Summary: Prompts; masquerade, Rock and Roll Queen - The Subways, dancing at midnight (loosely)
Dedication: mogen, for the prompts again.
Author's note: I don't like the last paragraph much.
You are the sun,
You are the only one,
My heart is blue,
My heart is blue for you
Something new and catchy was drifting through the closed doors of the hall as she slipped her simple mask into place. Taking a breath to calm her nerves - it was her first masquerade - she pushed the large doors open and gasped at the decorations, the blast of music, the sea of elaborate dresses, the audience of masks turned to face the door.
Be my, be my, be my little rock & roll queen
be my, be my, be my little rock & roll queen
The doors closed behind her and the party went back to whatever they'd been doing before her intrusion - dancing, conversing in quiet niche's, receeding to dark corners. She'd barely made it to the bottom step before a hand was held out in a silent request for a dance. The young lady ducked her head, smiling, as she took the hand and was led to the center of the floor.
You are the sun,
You are the only one,
You are so cool,
You are so rock & roll
Inhibitions lost in the atmosphere of the crowd, the couple ground against each other to the beat of the music, bumping against other like-wise occupied dancers. It didn't matter that they were strangers, it wasn't the point. Tonight was about letting go and having fun, regardless of who you were. As long as no one recognized you till midnight, then you were doing something right.
Be my, be my, be my little rock & roll queen
Be my, be my, be my little rock & roll queen
Be my, be my, be my little rock & roll queen
The dancing got more intense, hands traveled beneath thin, sweat-soaked material. It wasn't long before they were tripping off the dance floor to find an abandoned corner for themselves. Lips slid against lips, smearing lipstick. Hands groped, grasping for purchase against slippery skin. Her body was pressed against the wall, his lips on her neck, her hands in his hair, his hand up skirt. It was a fight, a vicious dance.
You are the sun,
You are the only one,
You are so cool,
You are SO ROCK & ROLL,
He'd known it was her from the second she'd opened the door - only she would dress so simply to a masquerade. There hadn't been a dress code, of course, but 'masquerade' implied certain things. It didn't matter what she was wearing, though it was practical, considering their current circumstance, he would always think she looked amazing.