When you have a baby, your Mum
usually digs out old pictures of you
to compare them with - and if you're
MY Mum, there are several hundred
(if not a couple thousand) to choose
With all the albums out and at my disposal,
I've been scanning them silly for preservation
sake, and want to share a few of my favorites.
A little family history first:
Mum is British & was born & raised in England.
She came to Canada at age 21 & hasn't been
home since. Currently, she drives forklift at
Costco where she has for 15 years. She is an
amazing artist & my closest friend.
Dad's too many nationalities to mention, mainly
Norwegian, French & Mohawk & Cherokee Indian.
He was raised in an orphanage from the age of
2 until his father got him out when he turned 12.
Dad was a top car salesman in Canada through
out the 70's 'til he started buying, refurbishing
and repairing antiques to re-sell at the flea
market each weekend. He still does it to
this day.
Mum & Dad divorced in '92. [Not amicably.]
My sister is 14 months younger than me & is
the only member of our family not living in
Kelowna. She lives about a 9 hr drive from
us in Calgary with her boyfriend James.
They're expecting a baby at Christmas.
Baby Me. The redhead to right is
my Mum's Mum, my Nanny Aves.
My first steps!
Age 2
My first grown-up girl bedroom!
1980, My 5th birthday
First Day of Kindergarten
Having a tea party with Kelly
With my new kitten Duchess in the
days before I became so allergic.
Cuddling my new pup 'Little Bit',
the runt of the litter.
Snuggling w/ my sister's pup Tiny,
Little Bit's brother
I fell off my bike the morning this
was taken and in the fall my handle
bar rubbed against my neck, taking
a layer of skin off. Ouchie.
The fam in a 1984 Christmas family portrait.
One of many flea market tables I set up
in the driveway of our house, trying to
be like Dad.
My Nanny Aves (in the bandana), her sister Betty &
me goofing around & posing with bargains bought at
the flea market we attended together each weekend.
Nanny had been diagnosed with cancer only weeks
before this picture was taken. We lost her just
6 months later.
I took this photo at age 8. Mum was so proud!
Yes, that's a really bad rug my Dad's wearing.
His hair has never grown back in there after
his accident / 3 year coma. He wore it to cover
& protect the steel plate in his head more than
anything else.
Mum & Dad, 1974. In happier days, not long
before Mum became pregnant with me. This
photo was taken a couple months after they
started dating. They met at a flea market.
Mum (a budding artist) approached my Dad
with a series of nudies she'd painted and
asked him whether he'd sell them for her.
Dad is 69 now.
My favorite color picture of my total
knock of out Mum. Here she is at age 28.
She will be 57 this November & doesn't
look much different now.
One of countless cakes Mum made me.
My 5th birthday cake. 1980.
1982. A favorite.
Nanny Aves & me again
Kelly & me w/ our new sheepdogs
Gypsy (hers) and Sheba (mine).
Kel & I, age 4 & 5. Our parents dressed
us as twins almost our entire childhood.
More to come in a week or so! :)