(no subject)

Dec 20, 2005 22:06

Over the summer, Peter (my roommate) and I went to a movie. It was "The Brothers Grim". I drove, and as soon as we got there and I closed the car door, I knew that I had locked my keys in. Mom was out shopping, so I figured I'd call after the movie was out hoping she'd be home.

The move ended (and quite poorly I might add) and I grab Peter's cell to call home. This is the conversation I had with my mom:

Me: Mom, guess what?
Mom: (in an alarmed voice) Your car broke down?!
Me: (laughing) No, no, I just locked myself out.
Mom: Oh, do you need me to come pick you up?
Me: ....No... I need you to bring me the spare keys from the drawer. (what the fuck?)
Mom: Oh, alright. I'll leave as soon as this CD finishes burning.
Me: Mom, I think it'll burn without you....
Mom: Oh, I suppose it will. So were will you be? Outside the theater?
Me: .... yes? (where the hell else would I be? The Chinese place down the street?)

Man, she's just not all there... I related the whole thing to Peter when he came out of the bathroom and had him in tears. ANYWAY, cut to sometime in the middle of the first semester, I'm in the room and Peter calls me from his cell, he's just gotten out of class.

Peter: Hey, are my keys on my desk?
Me: Lemme look... yeah, they are. (laughing) Do you need me to let you in?
Peter: (also laughing) Yeah, thanks.
Me: Be down in a sec.

So I grab my keys and head down to the door that'll be locked to open it up for him. He gets to it and I hold it open. He's just standing there looking at me expectingly. Then he holds out his hand.

Me: What?
Peter: My keys?
Me: You didn't say to bring them... you just said to let you in.
Peter: (starts laughing at me) You know, this is just like when you called your mother.
Me: (noticing that he STILL hasn't walked through the door) Are you going somewhere?
Peter: Well, yeah!
Me: How the hell was I supposed to know that? I asked if you wanted to be let in, and you said yeah.

He continues to make fun of me and compare me to my mother, as if her craziness is comparable to me NOT BEING ABLE TO READ MINDS, PETER! =p

Oh, and here's a sexy lady:

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