i know...that you know i know. you know?

Dec 11, 2010 23:51

begin facebook rant in 3




so my most hated facebook post to read is the cryptic-no-one-knows-what-i-mean-but-this-is-a-scolding-directed-at-someone post.  how to identify this type of post, you ask?  the cryptic criticism post usually has the following symptoms:

*vague language that uses a general term applied to a specific person or group of people (i.e, "some people just suck", when in actuality, there is one person in mind who they really feel sucks in that particular moment.)

*absence of details--i.e, "it really makes me mad when people do dumb things."

*guilt-trip element--i.e, "if only some people knew how much they were affecting some other people", etc.

*nonsensical quotes meant to apply some type of moral lesson--"actions speak louder than words, people."

*the lemming effect--people close to the poster will comment a string of equally vague and moralistic agreements to the original cryptic post.

*an exalted moral standing that conflicts with the flawed nature of the human race--i.e, putting one's self in an elevated position of imparting wisdom ("if only some people would listen and make good decisions") or implying that another person's actions are steering in a faulty course.

if you have checked one or more of these statements after reading a post, please seek medical attention as these are symptoms of a very serious condition know as Cryptic Poster's Syndrome.  discontinue use immediately.

my problem with this type of post could take me all night to describe, but i suppose i can sum it up in a paragraph or two.  first of all, the effort that the poster takes in being vague is extremely transparent when compared with the obvious intent of their statement.

for example, if i posted, "wow. some people really don't know how to apologize," would you really conclude that i literally meant, "exclamation! a fraction of the united states does not have the knowledge or ability to make amends"?  i mean, come on.  it's obvious that a general statement like that is directed at someone particular.  facebook caters to the passive aggressive behavior of people who are unable to communicate their problems with another person.  because they are not adept at communication, they use a cowardly way to get a point across but without the responsibility of having an actual discussion.

these types of posts also imply that person A (the poster) has a greater morality or better understanding of life than person B (whoever on their friends list the post is directed at).  the problem with that goes back to the rafter and the straw.  for every character flaw or unwise course you see in someone else, five other people could see in you.

which brings me to my last point...does the lifecourse of another person merit so little attention as a cryptic facebook post and at the same time so much attention that it needs to be posted on facebook? and what i mean is that it seems contradictory to me.  if you were really annoyed or concerned with another person's actions, wouldn't you want to talk to them in person, or on the phone, or privately, to discuss your problem?  then again, if you don't care enough to do that, why would you spend the time and thought to post to a public forum such as facebook to make that person and the other 150 people on your friends list aware of your discontent?

it's a funny little world we live in.

i'm sure at one time or another i have done this.  but as you grow up and mature you realize that it's better to not say anything at all then say to say too much, because the more you say the more ammunition you give people to form opinions about you that may be less than flattering.  sometimes i stop and think....wow.  this is what we've become? this is how our society has chosen to interact with eachother?  these are the ways we as people have chosen to air our grievances and elevate our own morality?  these are the tactics we resort to?  and for what reason? to avoid confrontation? to say the things we're too afraid to actually say in person but that a few pixels strung together will allow us to? or because this screen that seperates our faces from eachother also seperates our common sense from our brains?

so yeah. anyway.  i see these kinds of posts on a daaaaillllyyy basis and after awhile it just gets pretty old.

rant over in 3



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