my pictures - FINALLY!

Apr 28, 2004 13:07

well, we uploaded my pics onto dejio's computer, and THEN uploaded them onto my webspace! I'm glad it all worked, even if winSCP was wonky about it. here we go:

Pre-march pictures:

me on the plane to New York

Dejio arriving in New York and hugging Tania (aww!)

Dejio in Victoria's apartment before the march

hey, belly dancers gotta eat too!

Dejio in the escalator out of the Metro

March pictures:

people crossing the street on the way to the Mall

the Mall when we arrived - about 10 AM

Dejio and me!

Pirates! I love this sign :D

Rockers! you can see Jim Monsonis in the upper right corner.

more Rockers!

welvilly, scarletbeg0nia eating a chocolate vagina, bloodofchrist

Dejio and Victoria

Victoria and Dejio (aww)

Group picture of the Belly Bus! I'm on the left.

Belly butts!

a belly dancer (I forgot ALL their names except for Dervishspin) weaving a yarn tassel into her hair

Dervishspin! I love her coin bra.

a belly dancer with enormous zills, I think her name was Ann, and a drummer in the background

she looks angry, but actually she was chanting

Dervishspin again! I like this picture.

stretching and warming up before the march proper

it's important to remember to breathe.

when we stopped to dance in the street for a while about a third of the way through the march, this girl danced with us. it was awesome--we're converting young people into new belly dancers every day!

this is one of those pictures where the shot was perfect about a second *before* the shutter clicked.

I like this one.

Belly conga line!

Veil work!

And that's it...

pictures of me, pictures of my friends, pictures

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