Heckler’s Veto and Legitimate Protests

May 28, 2023 11:55

An excellent articleThe First Amendment Does Not Give Protesters a Heckler’s Veto, written with sensitivity and legal exactness by Jenny Martinez, whose future career will be worth watching.

I say sensitivity because it is obvious she is dancing around the edge of a live grenade, and worried about being blown up. So, points for courage in a difficult situation. She is being respectful of the grenade-minded, while making a solid legal point. She also restricts it to the law school, since few people would argue that undergraduates are able to reason and argue cogently, especially after reading their essays. Apparently, undergraduates are not expected to learn how to persuade people, and will simply demonstrate their contempt for anyone who disagrees with them, instead. Too bad.

college, argument, first amendment, protest, free speech

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