Dunbar’s Number

May 12, 2022 10:20

Everyone knows that the country has problems. Few of them know that the problems are because of the limits of human brains to handle groups of more than ~150 people. If you don’t think we have that limit, check out the article at the bottom of the post. I’ll wait.

If you haven’t read it, you can’t respond meaningfully to the fact that unless you have God in your life, and I’m speaking specifically about the Judeo-Christian God, you are a drag on society. The God who has a Hell and may send you there unless you fight the evil within yourself helps you to handle the fact that our society is built out of more people than you can handle being around and caring for. Without that incentive to learn to behave well, you’re going to find yourself flipping off people, exploiting them and oppressing them, with no idea that to most people, you’re the bad guy.

Think of it as an illustration of the story about the Tower of Babel: human languages tend to fracture into dialects and develop out into less and less mutual comprehension over time. The group of speakers develop slang and in-group jokes and references that are opaque to others speaking the same language, and those others don’t appreciate it. Stereotypes are created, generally demeaning ones.

This degenerates into a world colored in primary colors, complete with teams insisting that the others are the bad guys. The ones who believe in that primary-colored world are the pawns of others who use them as shock troops to gain power. Unless and until one of your 150 is God, who will work to transform you into a virtuous person, you will oppress and injure others without conscience.

And you wondered why the world was so messed up.

"one death is a tragedy. one million deaths is a statistic."
-kevin federline
what do monkeys have to do with war, oppression, crime, racism and even e-mail spam? you'll see that all of the random ass-headed cruelty of the world will suddenly make perfect sens


christianity, politics, Dunbar’s Number

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