Jan 30, 2010 19:48

Guys, I am so excited about this. My very first picspam! It's just a little thing, and I apologize in advance if the quality is somewhat lacking; I did my best to fix up the caps a little, but I'm new to this sort of thing. I hope you enjoy!

How Elizabeth Swann and Marion Ravenwood Are Crazy Similar, For Reals : A Picspam by noteasilywon

1) They have valuable ancient medallion-type items which they wear as a necklace and which cause the candlelight to flicker spookily!

Seriously, look at those two shots. SAMENESS.

2) They are captured by bad guys, and forced by said bad guys to put on pretty dresses!(ALSO: Both are peeped at while they change- Marion by That Guy via a mirror, Elizabeth by Pintel and Ragetti via a peephole (POTC deleted scene which I could not find a cap of))

3) They are then obliged to eat dinner with said nefarious persons! (BONUS: Both meals include GREEN APPLES.)

4) They brandish kitchen knives at the aforementioned nefarious persons!

5) They pretend to get drunk in order to facilitate an escape! (Elizabeth pretends to get sloshed as she gets Jack drunk and then proceeds to burn the rum, creating a fire that signals Norrington’s ship which then rescues them from the island; Marion pretends to get sloshed as she gets That Guy drunk and tries to run, however, That Really Creepy Nazi stops her.)

6) They shoot guns!

7) They are freaked out by skeletons!

8) They flee burning things while wearing white dresses!

(Okay, maybe that one's a stretch.)

In conclusion, theyyyy are the same. Ish. :D

The ROTLA screencaps all came from a now-defunct website (I'm pretty sure; I got these caps a long time ago); but the same caps it looks like can be found here.

The POTC screencaps came from here and here.

I am grateful to all those sites for posting their original screencaps.

Oh, and thank you also to typicrobots, whose excellent tutorial taught me quite a bit about cleaning up caps and introduced me to my new best friend, the Curves button in Fauxtoshop.

potc, picspam!, indiana jones: rotla

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