not alot to say...

May 20, 2009 17:44

Was suppose to go to class but I didnt have a way, and i dont fully understand the Rita way of doing things, so i didnt go. i havent gone to alot of this ladies classes. Ugh...I wish i had the motivation to make it through her classes without wanting to I had to sign up for three credits this summer, which is odd, bc i really dont know why I would have to do that. I have paid, myself for all my classes except for the loan I just excepted for fall and the rest of that year... But whatever, Im kinda glad I have too anyway, bc it gets somethings out of the way. I signed up for this stupid class called studen success, I dont even want to take it bc its how to make it succesfully in college. but they didnt require me to take it at first and now they do, so i waited till I could take it in fie weeks and get it over with quick!hats two credits and hethe other lame class i picked but needed to get out the way, bc its a prereq, was keyboarding. I had this class along time ago, but I took it online and for whatever reason, all though I didnt the work and was typing at 40wpm failed, bc the teacher said i didnt turn in any of my work... Im taking it again, bc In the fall Id like to get my document formating class and other s that want you to have this class out of the way.

I went for a half jog, half wal thing today. I did my usual five miles, but i had to keep stopping bc it was so hot and the gusser dog needed water and to sit, I got burned! I hate that I dint have any sun block on but forgot t buy some and now we cant afford it till next week. i know this sounds crazy but I lvoe to lay out and get more tan than I already am, but in one run, I got burnt now what am i going to do the rest of the time. My arms are burning so much, and danny made me drive to his parents bc he was tired and so the sun was beaming on my arms even more, and they hurt alot worse now...

Me and danny will be expediting our passprots, bc we dont have enough time to et them before the fmaily goes in july. We were originally going to go to charleston, but as i and many of my siblings thought thats probably not happening.SO now we have changed our plans and are going with his family, and are taking some of my family up. It will be fun. The pool by our apt is filled up, but not open till friday, and everyone including me, keeps walking by just imagining themselves in

Im feeling quite beside myself, but Im trying to get over that and be cheerful with the things the Lord has provided me and my small family with...

Getting my resume ready to give to that lady who said there could possible be another positon approved ina couple weels, so heres hoping....
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