
Aug 23, 2004 22:35

i havn't done much since the last days i posted, pretty much just hanging out until school starts. i got to talk with burke on the phone for a while, that was nice.. i do miss the talks we all used to have. i bought max payne for ps2 cause im a dork and i like to shoot people lol. it was a pretty good game, i liked it. some parts were fucking stupid but yea, i beat it tonight. today was the first day of school for me. wow long day. 12-2pm lol. i picked my classes so i dont really have shit to do on monday wednesday and friday, so that it would be less stressfull. i am still taking 5 classes and they are as follows. 2d design studio, the art of china, business, communications, and western philosophy. i had business and communications today, they should be fun classes since i have some people they i know in each on of them. tomorrow is my long day. 930-430pm, but i do have about a 2 hour break in-between..and my longest class is my art studio so it really isn't that bad. oh parking sucked today, it took me like 10minutes to find a spot and i almost got to class late. im still rocking the blue mohawk so yes i would have still made my apperance known even if i was late. im not sure how long im gunna have the mo, possibly for a while longer. well thats me, school has started...and as lame as it sounds im excited for another year and the university of hawaii at hilo
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