Loves of my life

Jul 08, 2012 09:11

Dear my little Raskal fatso, 
It's been almost 2 years since that fateful night where I walked in and you were, for a better word, in a more peaceful place. You would've had a full life if those dogs didn't hurt you. I'm sorry I had to go get the food and stuff for your human child. I should've been there and I blame myself everyday. I miss you, my tuff ball. You still are amazing in my memories and pics. You were so HUGE and fat but, you were down with that because, that's just how you wanted to be. You were comfortable and you were my purr machine like no other. I love you, babe and I hope your taking care of your siblings that passed the same night. I know you knew something was going to happen because that day, you acted differently which, I noticed but, I'm so sorry I didn't stay. I hope you're in kitty haven living the fat kitty life in peace.

Dear Batman,
You had a tough life, I admit that. But, one I got a hold of you, I made sure you knew you were spoiled and loved everyday. You had owners who thought it'd be funny to get you on drugs, very bad ones. You acted like you were abused too so, I waited patiently while everyone else said to get rid of you. I wanted for you to trust me, to love me like I love you. I waited for so long that I almost gave up then, one day when I was playing a video game, you came up and snuggled up to me wanting petted. Since that day, you loved being petted and loved and man, I miss you and your brother, Raskal so much! You still had trust issues and some problems later on in your life but, I gave you guys a spoiled and loved life. I'm so sorry that your life gotten taken but, I hope you found peace and love in the crazy kitty life in kitty haven.

Dear Cleo,
You were a slutty bitch but, gawd, I lied when I joked about not loving you. You were one of a kind and reminded me of a kitty cow. You wanted Batman then Raskal (well now you got them both). I rescued you from the evil man that night at the apartment complex. I brought you inside, gave you food and water. You were so young and skittish. I saw your mum cat that night and she was so skinny that she looked like she was dying. She saw me too and I told her I'd take good care of you. After I brought you in, I went back out to find her, she was gone from the world. After that day, it took a little bit for you to warm up and boy, when you did. You were the attention brat, more so than your adopted brothers. I'm sorry for the time you got stuck in a dryer but, in all honesty, you shouldn't have been in there. I'm sorry for how it heated you up but, I rescued you and put you in some cold water. I stayed home from school that day because, I was worried, I hope you remember. I'm sorry that you met your fate that night, too. I miss you guys.

Dear KarmaKai,
My mum (your mum) misses you so much. She had to get Pwecious a friend because, she had kitty PTSD and depression. But, mum knows that Pwecious won't love the new kitty, Morgan, like you or play with her like she did you. You were the only one that she considered her equal. Mum misses you when she goes to bed. You got a rough start in this world but, once I brought you home for mum's birthday when you were so young, you and her were inseparable. She carried you around in her harness bra EVERYWHERE. I'm sorry that you met your fate with your adopted siblings that night. Mum says she's should've been there to protect you, just like I should've been there for the others. We love and miss you.

Dear Sparrow,
I know you miss your brothers and your adopted siblings. I remember when you guys were kittens and causing me so much trouble. I thought you guys would never calm down, you didn't and still haven't. I know you that when you cried and went into the rooms the incidents happened, you were wanting them back. You cried and were inconsolable for a year after that incident. I remember finding you on the top of the cabinets and you stayed there for a week, glaring at me like I was the worst person on this planet, I felt like it, don't worry. But, I earned your trust back slowly, I know I still don't deserve it. I climbed on the counters and a stool to get your food and water to you. I tried bribing you with tuna one day but, you growl at it. You are amazing, I hope you know that and I love you. I know you are still weary of our dog BB but, we've had her since she was 4 days old and you know that she's our daughter's dog since they're the same age. But, when you think we're not looking, I see you walk up to BB and rub up on her. I know you kind of like her since we almost lost her too. Everyday I make sure you know that you are so loved and so amazingly spoiled. You just don't realize it, yet but if anything happened, I would cry even more. I can't wait to see you again, babe when I get home. I know you miss me when I talk to you on the phone, you purr so much. See you soon.

Dear Piwakett,
We have had an interesting almost 11 years together. I have raised you since you were 4 weeks old and you were just so little. You fit in my hand and I would wrap you in a blanket. I kept you inside my room for a whole summer teaching you how to potty, teaching you to jump on my step stool then toy box, just to get on my bed and you ate everything I did. You give me the most amazing kisses and purr so much for me. You have had near death experiences a few times in the pass few years but, I made sure some of those vets knew what I thought about putting you down. You will die when you are ready because, you are the one that hid for almost a week under the dresser when the incident happened. You had to be cleaned up though after that. You were stuck by me like crazy glue and I made sure you knew that nothing will ever happened to you. I know you miss all your adopted siblings so much since you were so upset for so long afterwards. I spoiled you and Sparrow more so after all that. I love you so much and I couldn't imagine you not there for me. You have been there for me when I was withdrawing from drugs, heartache, heartbreak, and every tear I've shed. You were there every time I've needed somebody and when I found out I was medically sick. You were there when I needed somebody when I was sick for a month. You're my boogabear and if you could talk, I'd grant every wish. I'm really glad that you are starting to like BB because, if you didn't then I'd cry about having to give her up since, you are the kitty god and know it. I can't wait to come home to see you, baby, I miss you so much and it's been so hard not being able to fall asleep with you and Sparrow and BB. I know I have to take to to the vet when I get there, too, since I hear that sickness is getting to you again. I will make sure that you are okay just like the last time. I talk to you on the phone all the time but, I know you're upset with me because, you growl and hiss sometimes but, other times you mreow and purr. I know you'll be upset with me for a little when I get there but, you'll love me again.  I have tuna and catnip.

Raskal, Batman, Cleo, and KarmaKai, I forgot to tell you guys that those dogs are gone. I did the one thing I'm against for you guys because, I didn't want that to happen to another family. So rest in peace in the kitty haven and I'm sure once Piwakett and Sparrow pass, they'll be excited  to see you guys again. I love you all so much.

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