Giant Character Survey: Salkia-Based PART 1

May 24, 2020 20:49

Physical Traits

How old are they?

-Mentally, Atem has gone through 3,000+ years of life. Physically he looks to be in his early twenties.

What is their gender?


What is their species/race?

-Human. At one point he was a spirit but that isn't a species or a race, so...

How tall are they?

-Atem is technically around 5'2''. However, his hair gives off the amazing illusion that he is actually around 5'6''.

How much do they weigh?

-Atem is one of the skinniest people in the show, so much so that he's said to look anorexic. I have his weight at 110.

What is their general body type, frame, bone structure, and poise?

-Atem is very thin and almost frail looking, depending on what seasons you're looking at. Depending on others he does have the ability to look somewhat muscular. I think the series creators liked that a little better (or had more money to shell out on a thicker frame) as during seasons 4 and 5 he maintains having constant defined biceps and a well toned upper body. It would make sense that he had a little bit of muscle; in Egypt he fought in battle and exercised when he had the time.

He has a small bone structure (let's not make jokes) to go with his small stature (and the most amazing hip bones you've ever seen). Atem carries himself very well, prideful- bordering on arrogant. He's always got his head held high unless something heavy is weighing on him. He's always shifting one hip to the side when standing still, and walks with a bit of a sassy saunter.

What is their skin colour?

-Obviously in Egypt he was dark skinned; a lot darker than he is now which is almost pale.

What is their hair colour?

-Black, maroon, and blonde.

What is their hair style?

-Atem has a very eccentric and noticeable hair style. It's been described as "aerodynamic triangles". The maroon in his hair forms up the back part of these triangles, black following the in-line. His blonde bangs are best described as shaped like lightning bolts. Each of these bolts sticks up, as the rest of the hair does in an anti-gravity manner, piecing through the hair. Two pieces hang down on the right side of his face with two pieces on the left hanging down slightly and then perfectly horizontal.

No, he does not use any product, he was born with it this way. And yes, if it gets wet it will flatten.

Do they have any facial hair?

-Aside from his eyebrows, no. He is clean shaven and smooth.

What is their eye colour?


Does it change?

-It changed to violet when he was a spirit in Yuugi's body but the original season zero and some spots in season four and five have it colored as crimson. I favor this far more as it gives him a little more stand-off from Yuugi and those seasons specifically he's on his own so it makes sense that that is his actual eye color. Also it's totally pretty.

How attractive are they?

-This really depends solely on the person viewing him. A lot would probably think he looks pretty weird, but as far as Domino standards go he's probably considered a total babe. Anzu enjoys him thoroughly at least and he's not without his fan girls. His cockiness, hips, smirk and walk could probably charm the pants right off of anyone- or at least have eyes drawn to him. He's very good at commanding a crowd's attention.

What is their most distinguishing feature?

-That's really hard to say. He's a character that practically stands apart from the crowd no matter what he's doing- even in the belt and leather clad standard of Domino City. There's no way he'd ever be overlooked.

Do they have any scars, tattoos, or birthmarks?  If so, how did they acquire them?

-If he picked up any scars from battle in Egypt, this new body doesn't show them. He does, however, have a big blotch of a scar over his heart. This was acquired after he was murdered on Salkia Island. It was a very gruesome death by the hand of someone he loved whom was being controlled through the Sennen Rod.

What is their handedness (left/right/ambidextrous)?

-We never see Atem writing or eating much of anything in the series, but he does carry his Duel Disk on his left arm and plays his cards and makes dramatic gestures with his right. So by that mark I'd have to say he's probably right handed.

What is their hand size/description?

-Atem's hand size is relatively normal for his size, small. He has slender fingers to match, good for dramatically drawing and playing cards. Though his nails are nowhere near as manicured and well taken care of as Kaiba's.

Do they resemble some currently known person?

-In canon, no. Atem is pretty stand alone in his looks. Yuugi resembles him, though, but not the other way around. My headcanon dictates that he does look a little bit like his mother though. Because he has to look like one parent and it really isn't his dad, except for facial structure which is a little similar between the two.

Do they wear a uniform?

-During the beginning of the series he was seen wearing Yuugi's school uniform, because obviously he shared a body with the kid (even if underneath somehow he was wearing leather collars and stuff). Now he doesn't do that so much, but he does wear the jacket every now and again.

What kind of clothing do they wear?

-In Egypt he wore lots of gold, a crown, tunics and kilts. In Domino and throughout the series he's seen either wearing Yuugi's school uniform or the much better option of leather pants and leather tank tops. Add to this leather collars, a double belt (on which one his deck box resides), leather shoes with rivets, and chains and it makes for one amazing sense of fashion. He still wears these things on Salkia.

What is their clothing's style or level of sophistication?

-In Domino, you could almost call him a trendsetter. During Duelist Kingdom the outfits were relatively normal (Even Kaiba's blue trench was pretty damn normal). But as he starts to become famous and wear more leather, so does the rest of the city. Because of this he's probably seen as pretty damn trendy and amazing.

What size are they for various pieces of clothing?

-Probably in all areas ever he's a small. Who saw that coming.

Do they wear makeup?

-He does wear Kohl, or if you prefer a more modern word- eyeliner. It was a daily and important thing in Egypt to do, and it carried well over into his time as a spirit. On Salkia he applies it daily (and apparently leaves his eyeliner pencil around where children can get it as Yuuki drew all over the walls with it once).

Do they wear glasses/contacts?

-Nope. Though it really wouldn't surprise me that if in the made-up future he'll never get to see that he has to wear glasses. Reading tiny print on cards can't really be very good for your eyes.

What sort of vocal tone do they have?

-Atem has a baritone, maybe a tenor voice. It's very smooth- that is unless he's pissed off. When he yells he tends to grate a lot on his vocal chords and get very gruff. But in normal conversations he carries his voice well, calm and even.

Do they get sick?

-More than the average person his physical age should. But see, since this is a new body gifted to him at the Ceremonial Duel, my headcanon dictates that it has not had any time to build up immunities like normal people do during their childhood. So he catches bugs relatively quick.


Who were their parents?

-In canon his only parent shown is his father, Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen. His mother is shown in one single panel in the manga, but given no name. Fanon likes to dictate that her name is Samira and I have picked up that name for her as well.

Were they raised by them?

-Yes, right up until their deaths. But it is also fair to assume that servants helped out a lot with raising him.

If not, then why didn't they and who did raise them?


What is their father's full name?

-Pharaoh Akhenamkhanen. There should be a long list of family names for him, too, but canon does not give it.

What is their mother's full name?

-Samira. Again she would have adopted his list of names but since there aren't any...

What is their mother's maiden name?


What did their parents and/or foster parents do for a living?

-Atem's father was the King of Egypt, obviously. Samira, as his wife, was the Queen.

What was their standing in the community?

-Highly respected and pretty well loved. The Pharaoh did a good job of keeping his people happy and keeping peace in his kingdom. Except for one little King of Thieves, I'd probably say he was loved by all. Samira, in my headcanon, was gentle and loving- with a quick wit. She was loved and respected just as much as her husband.

Did their family stay in one area or move around a lot?

-It was probably very common for the Pharaoh to go out and make negotiations with other countries, but other than that their central location was always the palace.

How did they get along with their parents?

-Atem loved his parents both very much; so he got along with them very well.

How would their parents describe them?

-Loving, kind, smart, adventurous, bright eyed, hard headed, strong willed.

Do they have any siblings?

-Nope, he was an only child.

If so how many and what were their names?


What was their birth position in the family?

-First and last.

How did they get along with each of their siblings?


What was their family life like?

-Growing up it was pretty good. Their family was very solid and well taken care of, obviously. But in Atem's later teen years his father would begin to drift from him and the family as a whole. Atem wouldn't find out until much later what caused this.

List all current knowledge of family locations, spouses, children, birth dates, schooling and any important incidents that only they and they might remember.

-His mother and father are buried together in a tomb just outside of Thebes. His father's death date is November 17th, his mother's death date is November 25th. It's sad, but I think after so long Atem does not remember their birthdays. Their deaths were very important incidents and key moments in Atem's life.

Are any or all of their family still alive?

-He is the only one left from that entire family- or culture, if you'd like.

Do they stay in touch with them or have they become estranged?

-He talks to them constantly through prayer, receiving no answer, of course, but it still helps him feel connected.

Do they love or hate one member of the family in particular?

-Atem has difficult feelings towards his Uncle for a number of reasons. I don't think it's hate but it's definitely extreme dislike, and pity as well.

Is any member of the family special to them in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)?

-Seto at one point was seen as Atem's rival, but I don't know if this counts because he didn't really know Seto was his cousin until much later. His father was, of course, his mentor and someone he tried to grow up to be.

Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including them)?

-His Uncle, at least as seen by him.

Do they have a notorious or celebrated ancestor?

-They were royalty, so yes. History probably remembers them fondly.

What do people assume about them once their ancestry is revealed?

-It's usually gawking and awe, "Whoa you were a Pharaoh? Your dad was a King? Led a whole nation?" yadda yadda yadda. I think people probably think he's spoiled because of this, but it's a misconception.

Have they begun their own family?

-In some weird way, on Salkia, he has. He's adopted Yuuki as his daughter (or is it really that she adopted him as her father?).

If not, do they ever want to have a family of their own someday?

-I don't think he's really thought about what he would do when he gets back to Domino. He just knows that's where he's going.

What type of person would be their ideal mate?

-Atem's ideal mate would be someone that, cheesy I know, completes him. Someone that can put him back in his place or pull him from dangerous idiotic things he throws himself into, or can talk some sense into him when he gets riled up. Someone that can figure him out, and someone that can keep up with him. Someone that can inspire deep emotion in him and someone that is capable of having softer moments of their own. But also someone that can stand on their own, someone that would make him proud.

What would they be willing to do to protect such a person?

-There is almost nothing Atem will not do for the people he loves, especially his mate. He's often rushing into stupid situations in the show; at the early points of the show he even goes as far as to murder people for harming or bothering his friends (also because he was crazy and it was fun). When his loved ones are in danger he tries his best to keep a calm mind but he really just does go in there and give the situation everything he's got. Sacrifice is not beyond him, and if it comes down to it, he will.


Do they have any close friends?

-He and Yuugi are completely inseparable. Their ring of friends in canon consisted of Anzu, Jounouchi, and Honda. Kaiba wouldn't buy into it, but Atem would say Kaiba and he were pretty close to (and are closer now, obviously). On Salkia he's made a number of friends. Only a few he's let into his real life, however, such as Usagi. Kisara also gets a top spot.

If so, what are they like?

-Yuugi is loving, caring, and everything Atem is not; it is why they balance each other out. Anzu, Jounouchi and Honda were always headstrong and very supportive. Kaiba is a jerk who doesn't like the word friendship, but he was supportive in his own ways, too. He and Atem worked together on a few occasions and when they did it was always an amazing experience. Usagi is warm, loving and understanding- maybe a little like Yuugi. It would explain why he was drawn to her so quickly. Kisara is much like this too, and has a strong disposition on the things she believes.

What is the history of their relationship(s) with them?

-...really? He has lots of history with these people. Feel free to poke around on my CR chart and Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia if you want to read more because come on.

Do they currently have a best friend whom they would protect with their reputation or their life?

-Any of the people mentioned in that blurb up there he would fight with his all for.

If so, who are they and what caused them to feel so close to them? What would have to happen for them to end this relationship?

-Again, the people already mentioned. For things to end between any of them? It would take... a lot. Breaking him from these people is pretty tough, given he fights with Kaiba on a constant basis and it never really fazes him too much. He always comes back for more.

Do they have any bitter enemies?

-In canon whoever the antagonist of the series is, though the good guys usually reform in the end. Atem will never forgive Bakura, however. He also hates Larxene with every part of his being. Heck is getting pretty close to this as well.

Have they defeated them before?

-Any enemy of Atem's is usually crushed at one time or another. All the people that have hated him, come after him, or threatened his friends have been kicked into the dirt. No exceptions. He doesn't give up. Heck is off the hook for now, as per Kaiba's request. But that doesn't mean he's safe.

How might these enemies seek to discomfit them in the future?

-If any of the canon characters ever showed up on the island, they'd probably find ways to attack (Bakura did). Larxene is always scheming, as well. Heck seems to want to hurt him, as well, but only time will tell.

What valuable or important contacts do they have?

-All of his friends are valuable and important contacts.

How did they come to know them?

-I redirect you to the CR chart on my profile or the Wikia.

Which person(s) or group(s) are they most loyal to?

-He's loyal to every one of them. If there had to be an order, though, Yuugi would come first, always.

List any past serious relationships that they have had, and give a brief overview of the relationship(s).

-Atem's never dated in canon.

How do they think others generally perceive them?

-That depends on who you're asking. Most people probably regard him as confident and smart. His enemies or people who dislike him probably regard him as cocky and annoying.

If someone crossed their path, what would they do?

-He has words. If it escalates he will go into violence, if necessary.

Who is their most trusted ally?

-Yuugi. Kaiba might be, as well, but I don't think the CEO likes the word 'ally'.

Who do they trust, in general?

-His close friends. He doesn't make friends with people he knows or feels he can't trust. He's been screwed over one too many times.

Who do they despise and why?

-Bakura. Bakura ruined his life, tried to take over the world and basically ruined everyone else's lives as well. He hates Bakura. Forever.

Name several things they hate in others.

-Stupidity, ignorance, intolerance, distrustful, haughty arrogance.

Is their image consistent?


Do different people see them in similar ways?

-I would imagine so.

Do they deliberately present themselves differently in different situations, and how?

-There's a time and place for arrogance and it's usually on the dueling field. Though he is a little arrogant in normal situations, he really has been working on it.

What would they die for?

-To protect the planet and its people (he's done it before!).

Who would they go to extremes for?

-Anyone deserving of it- his friends and loved ones.

Who do they turn to when they're in trouble?

-This is tricky. If it's trouble that could brew over he tries really hard to keep to himself and fix things on his own. Kaiba is better than anyone at finding out about it and usually tags along regardless of Atem telling him no. If it's emotional trouble or something he doesn't understand, Yuugi is the go-to person.

What is the worst thing someone has done to them?

-Completely and totally ruined his life and his family, took his trust for a ride, betrayed him, and killed him.

What is their general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who lets them know they are available?

-He'll probably just blink at them, arch an eyebrow and then slowly back away. Or calmly tell them he's not interested.

How do they get along with others in the same field and/or work environment?

-He loves challenges and being able to take on other Duelists. Even though they're fighting each other, he really does have a good rep with being a good sport about it after the game is over.

How can they be blackmailed, beaten, and tricked (by PCs or NPCs)?

-Threaten his loved ones. Always works.

Have they lost any loves?

-Never had anyone to love, like that, in canon.

How did they handle the situation (short & long term)?


Who would miss them should they go missing?

-Oh gosh. Well in canon he does go back to die. It had a profound effect on mostly everyone, Yuugi the most. In Salkia terms, Yuugi would take it the hardest and probably loudest. Kaiba would take it quietly but I think it would hurt him terribly all the same. The friends he's made there would be upset, as well.

Who might protect them?

-His friends, Usagi and Kisara especially I'm betting. Yuugi most definitely. Kaiba, of course, given that Atem lets him and he gets there in time to stop the trouble. If not we've seen that Kaiba is good at exacting revenge.

Who might be convinced to sell them out?

-I'm hoping no one. He chooses very carefully. He's done with that.

How close are they to their friends?

-To the ones he chooses to be, extremely close.

What do they know about them?

-The closest ones are aware of his life, his past and his struggles.

What do they not know about them?

-Anyone who is just a casual friend is kept in the dark about his past and what he's been through.

Do they live with anyone (housemates, roommates, relatives, friends, near-strangers, family friend, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover)?

-It changes up constantly on Salkia. He's roomed with people at random, at the time this survey is being taken he's rooming with Ino. He also lives with his adopted daughter Yuuki, unless Yuugi has taken her. Sometimes Yuugi comes to stay with him, sometimes Usagi does as well. And sometimes he sneaks off and stays with Kaiba for a while.

Are they a member of any special interest groups?


What is their level of involvement?


What is their current status with local law-enforcement?

-As far as anyone in Domino knows, Yuugi (since he didn't exist as Atem there) is a good boy. On Salkia he's not committed any crimes, but he has murdered at least two people out of sheer necessity.

Do they have a record of cooperation or non-cooperation with authorities?

-He doesn't really like to rely on the law enforcement on Salkia.  They've proven that they can't be anywhere when they're needed, and they don't see eye-to-eye.

Do they have a file with local, national or international law enforcement?


survey, atem, salkia, questions

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