You mean hear, hn? Haven't actually seen you yet, but if your over at the bar I think a visit is in order~ [and he is gonna hurry on over so they can bump classes and stuffs]
Re: Too lazy to make a log...note_atemJune 7 2009, 17:14:25 UTC
[He looks up, raising his glass] What kind of drink do you favor? ((ooc my responses will be a little slow because my computer died and I'm on my ipod at the moment. I apologize))
Re: Too lazy to make a log...note_atemJune 7 2009, 19:54:21 UTC
Oh? [He downs a quick sip of his dark brown ale] Well I won't hold that against you. I don't drink either.. usually. [Thinks for a moment] I never did ask you.. how old are you?
[He can sympathize] When I'm in the mood for it, I'll get me some sake at least. I don't generally like getting buzzed or drunk, so I stay away from the strong stuff.
[He also seems to think for a moment about his answer] My soul is a lot older then it is.
That's what he said too.. I'm just having a hard time understanding exactly. But perhaps that's because my head is swimming. [His hand comes up to brush against his forehead] No one to blame but myself, though.
Ah... well I grew up in one place, and there is a world that moves along side my own where another me grows up another way, and we are yanked from those worlds to live inside a different one. [Looks amused... because that was summarized version and he knows that it made no sense]
So, but technically, then you are saying- [He pauses, thinking about it] There are an infinite number of universes? Where alongside our own there are infinite copies of us that do different things at different times? It sounds like something I believe I heard on a television show..
But that's interesting.. [ He takes one strand of his blonde bangs and twists it around his finger] What did you feel like when you first met your other self? ...What would the other me be like I wonder..?
((ooc my responses will be a little slow because my computer died and I'm on my ipod at the moment. I apologize))
((That's okay~))
[He also seems to think for a moment about his answer] My soul is a lot older then it is.
((that icon... is kinda scary...))
[He chuckles, with a knowing nod] I can sympathize with that. I have a similar situation.
[smiles himself] Hnn.
I ran into the other you, I suppose I should say. I don't quite understand what that even means but.. the likeness is amazing.
But that's interesting.. [ He takes one strand of his blonde bangs and twists it around his finger] What did you feel like when you first met your other self? ...What would the other me be like I wonder..?
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