(no subject)

Sep 07, 2005 13:12

It's a matter of time and again, for if desire breeds suffering you really cannot wish to rid yourself of it, therein lies the paradoxical cliff. You have to simply be and become, but is it that you are still desiring to? We cannot wholly deny what it is to be human and expect to be placed in the womb-fabric of existence, this is cheating ourselves of our roots and many limbs. So then we consider the Western dream, the frontier-pushing gusto that lifts the spirit to places of wonder and beyond anything imagined. Always trodding the path towards our goals no matter if we don't make it the point is we tried and we always will try because what's important is the attempt. Then, the residue of avant-garde is a musk of consolidated power and reckless mistakes not necessarily intended.

So, here comes the divide. Culture, society and life, for the larger portion of history, have been cut into consistent standards for blocks of millenia. Then, with increasing communication and contact, centuries. Since the industrial revolution, decades are their own periods of revolution and reform. This is not an equation, just an idea. Once I digested globalization in every context, I didn't see it as completely constructed or completely good nor bad. There is both, the question is where is the balance itself as it teeters on a bigger and more complex set of balances, where's my own?
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