*Letters in a Bottle*

Aug 12, 2010 13:30

*Charlie sat on a rock in middle of the barracks, his guitar leaned against the rock and he held a pen and paper in his hands.  A bottle was placed in middle of his feet.  In a few weeks he'll be marrying Claire.  Making a life with her.  But before he could do that...it was time to shed the last of the baggage that he had been carrying with him and let go of the past.  Something he had been hanging on to for the past few months.  It was a time for a new beginning with himself and Claire, and he wanted to start it right*

*First was a letter to Liam.*

Dear Liam,

I know that most likely this will never reach you.  Really, this letter is just symbolic.  But I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for what I had said to you the last time we saw each other.  Yeah, you may have introduced me to heroin...but it was my decision to take it and it was my decision to become a junkie and refuse your help.   I have myself to blame for all of that.  Not you.  I know that you were only trying to look after me back in Australia, I was just too messed up to really appreciate the fact that you were trying to be the brother that you should have been all those years ago.  And now...looking back, I understand why you sold my piano.  I probably would have done the same thing if it was a choice of getting the woman and child I loved back.

Speaking of which, believe it or not.  I've found a woman.  Well THE woman.  She's gorgeous, Liam.  Beautiful, sweet, kind, and good.  You'd like her.  Her name is Claire and come September, we're getting married.  That's right.  I'm finally settling down.  She had a son...Aaron.  I had wanted to give him the ring you gave me....I loved him as if he were my own.  He's not with us anymore.  Got rescued.  I hope that he's living a happy life.  And I wish that for you as well Liam.  I was hoping that I'd see you again...that you'd be at my wedding...but as things stand now...we'll see.   I won't give up hope, but if I'm going to make Claire a good husband, I'm going to have to live in the here and now on the island and not live for a future back in the real world.  So for now, this is my good-bye letter to you.  I love you big brother and hope for the best for you and your family.  Who knows, maybe someday we will see each other again and you will get to welcome my beautiful bride into our crazy family, yeah?   Take care Liam.  I love you and your family.  Maybe we'll be together again, whose to know.  See you, mate.

*Charlie read over the letter, than took another blank sheet of paper and began to write*

Dear Aaron.

You don't remember me.  Probably don't even know of me, no reason why you should.  The last time we saw each other, your were a baby and I was off to get you and your mum rescued, knowing that I'd never see you again.  I am the man that wishes that he was your father...your biological father anyway.  I loved you as if you were my own son...I still do.  I had loved you, even before I loved your mother if that's possible.  It was you who taught me all about unconditional love.  You were a baby, but you taught me so much about love.  How a parents love is so very different than brotherly love.   How a parent would do anything to protect that child.  Mostly, how to love unconditionally.  I don't think I had that until you.  Loving you made me worthy of your beautiful mother...I had to learn to love unselfishly before I could be anywhere near good enough for her...and you helped with that.  I also want to say, that no matter what, you will always be my son, in my heart and no matter what may happen in the future, there will always be two people in this world that loves you.  Three people really, counting your Aunt Kate.  I wish we could all be there in your life, watching you grow up.  Experiencing all your firsts.  Giving you advice on girls, on careers...seeing you get married...maybe we will be there, but if not, just knowing that you are happy and living a normal life off this bloody rock is enough.  I love you Aaron.  That will never change.  Have a good life kid.  Who knows, maybe we will see each other again someday...

Love Charlie

*He rolls the letters up and places them in the bottle and caps it.  Plans to toss in the ocean the next time he's on the beach*

*He knows that Liam and Aaron will never get the letters, but writing them had lifted a weight.  They made Charlie feel more...relaxed.  More free*

*Whistling a happy tune, he picked up his guitar and the bottle and headed back for the house.  It was starting to get dark and he wanted to be home before Claire left the infirmary*
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