Vote YES tomorrow

May 04, 2011 14:38

I was going to write a long post about all the reasons why it's vital to vote YES in tomorrow's referendum, but several people have already done the hard work for me, far more eloquently than I could.

For example, queex has a superb piece on the lies of the No Campaign here, while those lies are deconstructed in a handy blow-by-blow form here

There's also a rather wonderful Argument Via Kittehs which puts everything into perspective.

If you want to read really in depth analysis of the subject, then go over to alexwilcock, who currently has six articles covering different aspects of the issue.

For myself, I'm voting YES because First Past The Post is simply a grossly unfair way to elect a government. AV is certainly not perfect, but it's a hell of a lot better than the current system, and, crucially, it's the only alternative currently on the table.. If the referendum comes back with a No, then the Government will interpret that as "No, we don't want electoral reform at all", and not, "No, we want better electoral reform than this." That's why it's so important to vote YES.
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