I just realized that I hadn't posted about this over here yet. For the past three months, Dan and I and a friend of ours have been putting together a little bitty website, where we're able to post reviews, Dan's able to put up his music videos, and once a month we do a podcast. That website's called
The Otaku Objective. It's all hosted on our own stuff, and we do the podcasts here, too. I never in a million years thought I would do a podcast (I really don't like the sound of my voice), but the actual act of making it has been a lot of fun and worth the few minutes of 'aaaa' that occurs before recording each one.
Now, I haven't gotten nearly as much review-writing done for it as I've wanted...which is about what I sort of expected would happen. There's always a lot of setting up that needs to be done for a website. But a big reason for my distraction is because we're going to be running a bunch of panels during the upcoming convention
Nan Desu Kan this year. :D
Now, I'm excited, but I also know that I was sick as a dog last year during the entire weekend, and probably would've been better served if I'd just stayed home. So we've tried not to give me too many panel-running duties during the con. We'll see how that works out. Hopefully keeping it ambiguous hasn't made it too frustrating for Dan and Eric.
Okay...I'm sort of dodging working on a panel right now, by writing this, so I'd better get back to it. If any of you are interested in an anime website that reviews newer and older shows alike, as well as a bunch of other stuff (I always do a video game segment at the end of our podcast, and we want to start working in some other things too), please check out
our website! Thanks. :D