Oh man, I've been busy lately. Well, for me. I mean, I don't end up doing as much as most people do in a day, but this has been a lot more activity than I'm used to!
Firstly, there was a bad thing followed by a good thing. My disability was discontinued. ....that kind of (a lot) sucked. Sounds like they're going to uphold that, but I sort of figured that would be the case (they kept it going for way past what they'd said and I had started earning a tiny bit more from my little business). And now our budget is looking really sad. However, shortly after that my father decided he was going to quit his job (also not...the best thing), and go into business for himself. If this works out the way we're hoping, it would mean he'd get individual clients and if he had some easy folks to deal with or just had a someone that wanted to deal with budgetary concerns, etc, he could kick the work over to me. This would be ideal, because if I had a downswing, he could pick the work back up and no harm done. So it's pretty much the only way I could reasonably try to up my workload without making- er- promises I couldn't necessarily keep, if you get what I mean.
Of course, this is assuming everything goes perfectly and nothing ever does. But still, I never thought I'd really have the opportunity to increase what I'm doing without potentially really messing things up, and this pulls a lot of anxiety off my back about that. Anyway, we'll see how that goes.
Another thing going on around here is that we're having a friend visit! It's Mike, from Florida. He came by last year, but he's staying longer this time (ten days!), and I'm really looking forward to it. So there has been a lot of cleaning and de-cat-ing the apartment the last few days, and hopefully that will help keep it a little allergy-less. He'll be coming in tomorrow morning, and we always have a ton of fun playing video games, chatting about movies, and just generally hanging out. Oh, and there are actually events planned this time! We'll be marathoning...something, for my birthday (I have no idea what, but it'll be awesome), and Dan's actually planning a one-shot Scott Pilgrim tabletop RPG that I'm really excited for. We'll probably be wandering around town, too, since we like to show off the city...but maybe a little less than last time. We really crammed a lot of landmarks into a short period of time there. We do definitely have to go to the snake expo on Saturday, though, as I need things for my poor recovering snake.
I've been finally getting the writing bug back, and I have a fanfic I want to write, and then several characters that are pinging me again. Please stick around after the visit, okay, writing bug? I can't believe how long that writer's block I had lasted, it was like a year...I think it might (might) finally be breaking up. And...okay, I seriously need to get back to that 30 minute a day thing I was doing in October...but I've been doing that the past week and a half, so hopefully it wouldn't be an issue.
Oh! Oh, yeah, I updated my
RP page, too, at some point. I realized it didn't have near the amount of LJ names my LJ Login had on it. ...took me awhile to remember all of them, and I'm still not sure I have. That was fun and mildly embarrassing sometimes. XD Speaking of, I'm hoping I don't drop off the face of the earth with this friend visiting, buuuut I will probably be a little slow in the few places I'm still at. You guys are used to that by now, I'm sure. >_>;
Okay, it's gettin' late. Better post this sucker before I drone on forever.