What is it going to take to make everyone else wake the fuck up? Have any of you been following these bills that have just been passed? Who are these crazy people that have taken over our government?!?! I mean, I knew the Shrub was INEPT but I think I may have blocked out his absolute goddamn INSANITY. I'm no Christian, but I'm beginning to wonder if he's the Antichrist. Or possibly the Dark Lord. When did we become Nazi Germany?
I'm so afraid of this country right now. It's like I'm on a goddamned train that won't stop so I can get off. So it's okay to ignore the Geneva Convention. How long until it's okay to ignore amendments to the Constitution? The Bill of Rights?
We are a giant herd of cattle being driven down the slaughterhouse chute by a tiny group of power-mad fools. Maybe that's a bit harsh, but damnit, even if they aren't mad with the power, they're fucking allowing atrocities to happen. Why, goddamnit?! Out of FEAR? Fuck fear (says the girl in the grip of an almost continuous panic attack). How can these people stand up and say they are moral and know right from wrong and then allow shit like this to happen?
I know right from wrong. I believe in peace over everything, but I know that there are things worth fighting for. I believe that when you have no other option, you must fight with honor and there are rules that you must adhere to, rules these people are SUPPOSED to be following. Wasn't one of the so-called reasons for this fiasco of a so-called war that Saddam Hussein was FLOUTING INTERNATIONAL LAW and commiting crimes against humanity? How long until someone else takes it upon themselves to chastise US for doing the SAME GODDAMN THING?!?!
I'm so scared right now, and I feel so alone, but I will not let that stop me.
Please. If you haven't been paying attention (and I think you all have, we're all intelligent people here), please read up on all of the bullshit that has passed in the last few days.
Then find a protest near you and DO SOMETHING. Anything. I'm so socially anxious that I have panic attacks upon attempting to leave the apartment, and I will be marching and protesting my heart out. Please, people.
We're the only ones who can stop this machine now.