Mar 15, 2007 23:49
this is why i don't plan for the future. when i do, things go wrong. for example, i planned for a long relationship with travis, and that ended suddenly. i started planning for this summer as UD, and then someone else got the job. and now, i planned for him to be here next year, and then he didn't get accepted. cool. real cool. i think this is just God's way of saying that i'm soooo not in control of things. i just wish that i could control just one thing. and that would be that he would be here next year. this is hard. not knowing where he's going to be next year is even more hard. a second year long distance will be hard as well.
i'm never planning anything more than a month in advance ever again.
another thing that pisses me off is people not reading/knowing that they signed up for things. for example, i've had two girls in the past 24 hours saying they can't DD b/c 1. they signed up on their long-term bf's b-day and didn't know (how do you not know that?????) and 2. they forgot they signed up so early. i will not be responsible for that. that is THEIR mistake and i will NOT be responsible for it. it's ridiculous and inconsiderate.
speaking of inconsiderate, someone that i have to see for a long while everyday (not saying who in case they see this) is the MOST inconsiderate person i've ever met. i don't even know if i can deal with this for two more months. i'm going to have to, but i'll probably go crazy before it's over.
i'm just really not in a good mood right now and i don't know who to talk to about it. that's just how i feel right now. i want to talk to him, but i feel bad calling him as much as i have today.
maybe sleep and fall out boy will help me.