Alright guys. First off...
You may have noticed I was scarce( @A@;;) this last weekend. This was mostly due to father's day plans. But like I did last year I plan to use this and give it a RP-twist:
Feel free to notice Umi's been absent from the apartment since Sunday. Those who wake up earliest may have caught her leaving or fixing breakfast, but that's just been it: she's returned to the place quite late and hasn't really been in the mood for much talking. This is because she was visited by her dad last Sunday and that triggered all sorts of mixed emotions about the memories she's missing due to her deity trade. I'll post with her tomorrow about it. /o/
Jade, Jenny, I know this is new to you, so I deemed this little heads-up was in order! Umi traded her childhood memories plus fencing skills for a friend's life recently. While the skills are back to her by now, the memories aren't.
That aside we got a curse on the calendar with plenty of room for apartment shenanigans. And this is it:
23; Don't Blink!
It's another City-wide power failure, but this one didn't come with flickering lights and brown outs alone. Today, citizens may want to keep a flashlight or candle nearby after the sun goes down, because something's moving in those shadows. Those angel statues that were in the garden and on the buildings, weren't they a little farther back a few moments ago? These statues aren't your ordinary decorations. The Weeping Angels are the only creatures in the universe to kill you "nicely", and this day is no exception. Keep your eyes on them, don't let them touch you, and whatever you do, don't blink. [These statues can come in many forms besides angels, from gargoyles to garden gnomes. Characters touched by the statues will not go back into the past but simply be out of play by "disappearing" for the remainder of the curse. They can however in that time see their own lives flash before their eyes from birth to present.]
There you go. This happened last year and I had plenty of fun with it, but now the cast is so large and awesome I thought it'd be worth planning out something MASSIVE. >D What say you? Any ideas what we can do with this? Umi will be aware of what's up: the last time she and Watanuki figured out how the angels worked and Umi fended them off with ice mirrors. I'd love to hear what others wish to inflict upon their characters!
Plans, plots, suggestions? Toss them in here! \o/