I want to create a list of goals. I don't have a clear timeline in mind. These are not "New Years Resolutions," in spite of the suspicious timing. (I've never been a fan of New Years Resolutions, I think they're fucky and stupid. But that's just me.) This is more like a tally of accomplishments I would like to start working towards.
Some of these are ongoing, some of these are one-time things. Some of these could be completed in the next year, certainly not all of them. Some of them are grand, some most of them are stupid. Some of these I should be working on right now, some of these I can't start yet for a variety of reasons, but they're still important.
Honestly, I'm not sure what I'm doing here, anymore. This seemed so damned important just yesterday...
This is in no order whatsoever.
So an unordered list is in order!
- Finish the goddamn vampire books
- Gold Medal Flour. Bitch.
- Daily Exercise
(which, for the record, was going very well until I fucked myself all up)
- Weight Goal: 190-200-ish lbs
(Batman redux)
- Take a drawing class
- Studio Time - 1 day a month (to start)
- Improve the World
- Create a good prop tome to leave in some cave or abandoned building.
- Spend more time with the harmonica
- Spend more time reading
- Have a fully functional spine and find a way to fucking maintain that.
For serious.
- Enjoy said fully functional spine.
For serious.
- Relax more
- Create something that I don't hate.
- Become something more.
- Capture the essence of something powerful.
- I want to celebrate my 10th rebirthday in style, but the timing sucks.
(I want to edit the shit out of that entry. I don't know what to do about that...)
- More short fiction - even just little things
- Stop being such a fucking moron and do something.
- More Rocket Crane letters.
And by "more" I mean "any."
- Work on CoC characters/props
I want to get this rolling again. I want jamesonrocks to stop hitting me.
- I want to see something that makes Pillsbury pale in comparison
Here's an oddity: Back in 2005 I wrote a post about being
Restless. It's still an important piece of myself (to me, you might not give a shit) that I come back to from time to time. It occurs to me now that I've done most everything in there now. Not quite to the scale that leads to Ultimate Satisfaction and Tranquility, so I'm still working on it, but pretty close. It's helped take some of the edge off, I think.
So here's a new list of things to accomplish.
I can hope that it serves me just as well.