"NotBatman," you moan, "you never post anymore."
No. No I don't.
You know why?
Because it would be long, boring, rambling and pointless and come out looking like
When we last saw our hero,
notbatman, he was probably thinking about masturbating to pictures of your mom.
Oh yes.
I've been doing a lot of sitting and waiting. Waiting for things to happen, waiting for things to come to me. Waiting for the intarwubs to show me something good. Waiting for the current writing to finish itself and for volume 3 to flesh itself out at least in as much as key scenes and the like. (Vague concept, a few key arcs, but that's all I've got right now.) I've been waiting for me to start working out again. I've been waiting... for a lot of things.
The Boy:
Have I mentioned, recently, that my son is awesome? Because he is.
I don't know that I have any particular incident or story to back that up with, it's just the way things are. Hunter rocks. I was picking him up from daycare a week or two ago and as we were leaving he called back to Rose (the woman who runs it) "Bye Rose, thanks! I'll see you next time." She continually comments on his articulation, this time specifying that it was like dealing with a five-year-old. I expect by next year he'll be smarter and more articulate and less retarded than I am.
Then we'll see.
There's nothing specific to tie it to, but I've been extremely proud of him, lately. We had most of Saturday and Sunday together, he and I. After a lovely breakfast (with the whole gang) we had a fine day, an excellent nap, and a few hours of errand runnery for basic supplies and Mother's Day nonsense. Errands took far longer than I intended, but he was on his best behavior the entire time. (Except, you know, when he splashed me with a puddle, soaking me, and then blamed me for it. But, you know, in the funny way.) Afterwards we went to a local restaurant that we usually end up having to wait for a table at. My thinking was that the night before Mother's Day everyone would be home saving up their Mother's Day eating-outery until the following night.
Oh how I was wrong.
We waited 30-45 minutes for a table, standing/sitting around the hostesses stand without a trace of fussiness the entire time. He was on his best behavior, we had a lovely dinner (and got home super late).
He's just been so full of awesome and win and man I can't get enough of that kid.
We have a night time ritual where after we read his three stories for the night I'll be all, like, "And now, it's my favorite time of the day!" And he'll respond "Hugs and kisses!!" (because he knows the drill). I always ask what his favorite thing he did that day was. Usually it's pretty vague, "playing" and whatever, sometimes it's a specific thing. When it involves me (and if we're being honest, it's not that often) I almost cry because I'm a big sissy like that. (If, on the other hand, we're being dis-honest, it's usually about me and we totally high-five in a very manly fashion afterwards.)
On Mother's Day we all rode the train downtown to have dinner. The three of us, my parents, and my sister and her husband. Good times were had. Someday when he's bored I think I might just take him out to ride the train because that's a good couple hours of cheap entertainment right there. Knowing full well we were going out for the evening and wanting to make sure he was properly napped up, I started the process early, only to find that he went to bed without any fuss.
Of course, the poor little goob has a coughing-snuggling cold that didn't let him sleep. After two hours of mostly quiet time in his room punctuated every five or ten minutes with a coughing fit, I came in and asked him if he was going to be able to sleep at all soon. "Um, no, I don't think so." "Are you going to be ok if you don't get a nap? We're going out for a special dinner tonight and I need you to behave..." "Yeah, I'll just be fine."
I was a little skeptical, taking the three-year-old at his word, and all, but I'll be damned if he wasn't pretty much fine all night long. He fell asleep while Dawny was reading his bedtime stories, mind you, but he was good all night long.
Dawny's car got all "crunched up" a month or so back and recently was returned to us fixed up. It's obvious in retrospect, but the parts that were replaced look way nicer than their seven-year-old counterparts. Not only that, but the woman that hit us actually ponied up most of the cash for the repairs with the rest to follow over the next couple weeks. We are pleased, if surprised. (She was uninsured, we don't carry collision. Yes we could always go after her legally, but that's time and money no one really wanted to spend.)
The Lost City/Town/Village of Harliss, MN:
Adventure Tuesday! continues in it's sporadic fashion, all too often interrupted by sickness, scheduling, exhaustion, and apathy. This past Tuesday I went out in search of the lost town of Harliss, just a bit north of Red Wing. I caught some wind of it on the intarwubs, most of which stated that there was nothing to see anymore, but I went anyway. It was a nice road trip, a refreshing couple hours walking in the rainy, lovely woods. (Followed by far too much walking along the freeway to get back to my car without having to retrace my steps.) I may have seen a few chimneys and a foundation or two, but as far as lost cities (and the monsters and cultists who always dwell within) it was pretty bland. (You know, because I have so much experience with lost cities filled with monsters and cultists and treasures...)
I did manage to get a few pics of some shitty old bridges and signs that have been shot to fuck and back, though. Maybe they'll find their way up here later.
This week Adventure Tuesday! takes place on a Thursday. It's something so shocking that it's just bound to be chock-full of me being too tired and beat down by most of a full week of work to bother to leave the house!
I feel like there's something I should be doing. [Working?] (No, not that.) [Oh, ok. Just thought I should mention it is all...]
That I'm missing out on something. Some chance, an opportunity to accomplish something. I feel like I'm missing out on your opportunity to give me all your money and insure my own financial excess.
I should be writing. I should be drawing. Maybe I'll spend some time in the studio after The Boy goes down tonight. Or maybe I'll watch more Battlestar Galactica and tinker with my computer and my ipod. It could really go either way at the moment. (Adventure!)
When my mouse pointer hovers over the Internet Explorer icon (which is labeled "Intarwub") on my tool bar jobber this handy tool-tip pops up: "Finds and displays pictures of cats."
When my mouse pointer hovers over the "Post Entry" button and my finger spasms, boring things happen to the Intarwub.
What?? I said it was long and stupid and boring!