this is vaguely important. I'd like feedback.

Oct 11, 2007 23:24

I've been blogging like whoa lately. Wonder what's gotten into me? I may even cross-post this to either Facebook or MySpace.

I just got back from Wal-Mart when I had an epic junkfood run. Delicious Gummi Bears are currently mine.

As previously mentioned--I believe several times--I have really been bringing writey back. I've been pligging away in my notebook, fleshing out every detail of my universe and my characters for book one of what I see as a five book series. I'm not trying to be comparable or try to say at all that what I'm writing is nearly as good or important with what I'm about to say, but what I'm working on now is MY Harry Potter. My Lord of the Rings. My Star Wars. A multi-part fantasy saga with developed characters that get brought to life. It's something I've been mulling over in my head for quite some time (like, 5 or 6 years), and I feel I am finally ready with the idea to sit down and start working on it. There have been concerns over the years, mostly on the setting and timeframe, that I have finally dealt with and figured out the solution for (this actually took a lot of work...I had four different ideas for where/when I wanted this story to be set: an alternate world, modern Earth, future Earth, and I wasn't even sure if I wanted it in Europe or America. I ended up settlling on a vaguely undeterminable timeframe in Europe, if that makes any sense). I'm working on another particular area of concern: The story has a large Church as a central organization, and I'm trying very hard to make sure the work does not come across as anti-anything. It actually originally was. When my friend Mike and I developed the ideas, it was something of a commentary on religion. But really, over the years the Da Vinci Code came out and made a ruckus, Mel Gibson's Jesus Movie did the same, the Catholics elected a Nazi to pope, and the Religious Right in this country just went completely apeshit bonkers, and that no longer is the direction I want to take this story in. Also, my stance on faith and believing (if not actual religions, I could digress) has changed dramatically over the years, and I no longer want this work to be any kind of indictment of anything. But I think I am even settling this issue well enough, and I will soon be able to start typing down the roughest of drafts of this work.

I've been having a lot of fun with my notebook, scribbling away on my breaks, trying to come up with nuances for the characters and establishing a world that--while it has a definitive end goal and several necessary story stops along the way--is really wide open and has a mallaeble future. I have been hesitant to get on ole Lappy here and plug away in AbiWord, but I think that's because I haven't REALLY WRITTEN in a long time (about a year), and I wonder if what comes out won't be horrible dreck. I'm strongly considering just working up a screenplay of an unrelated story and doing that first to shake off the rust. I've always kind of wanted to write a full out screenplay. I took a screenwriting class in college (mostly, actually, to help me master script format so I could improve my comic series writing), and had a blast.

So that's my thing. Finally ready for the story I've been working on in my skull for years, and maybe going to do a screenplay for practice.

And now to watch the Colbert Report.

writing, kyre

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