
Aug 02, 2005 18:04

I need to make a list of all the things I hate.

Anyway, I was at work today and I received some Wicca books in--nothing new in the course of my day, we always get a few--and it just set me off into a little internal mini-rant since I had no one else to talk at...

I think Wicca is silly.

I mean. I just want to find Wiccans and say LOOK! You are NOT a witch! You can NOT cast spells! I could worship Superman and wear a cape, but that does not make me have heat vision, nor does it make you any less ridiculous. The Earth is not some spiritual being, okay? Read a science book. The Earth is a mass of molten matter and tetonic plates and water. No little chick earth goddess is listening to you. Quit worshipping trees. They don't care. You aren't magic. Light all the damn candles you want and whatever. You still belong to the silliest religion this side of Scientology. "Religion". Hm. No. More like "Set core of beliefs that are retarded". Your cat can't commune with you.

Sorry. I am usually super understanding of any religion and supportive of anyone's right to believe in it (again, except Scientology because those people have no sense of irony), but this whole Wicca crap? Just no. They sell BOOKS on how to CAST SPELLS. Okay, now follow me here: If Wiccans could ACTUALLY cast SPELLS, wouldn't they all be devastatingly beautiful and rich and...and...I dunno what Wiccans want. Talking frogs? Yeah. If they could cast spells, they'd all have talking frogs.

BUT THEY DON'T. Most Wiccans are just out-dated former goths that just want to...I dunno. Try to talk to their cat or something. It's just one of those..."I am an outcast! I need friends allow me to be easily influenced by another GROUP of outcasts [oxymoron alert!] to believe that trees can grant me powers".

If I could cast spells, I'd make my Shift key not stick.

And then there's those Scientologists!


You belong to a RELIGION that was founded by a SCIENCE-FICTION writer whom has been quoted all over the place historically as having said that "religions are just a crutch and a scame to make money off weak-willed people". AND THEN HE CREATED A RELIGION.



Stacey and I discussed driving impaired again this weekend, and that always works me up, too. Obviously DWI is a bad thing and no one supports it (except for some people I have known who did it and then wrote online journals about how fun it was and hence I hope their most loved family member is hit by one so I can laugh and laugh oh my god I love run on sentences), but I just think that the punishments for it are a joke.

There is a player for the St. Louis Rams who, in 1998 before he was in the NFL or famous so don't bring that up, ran over a single mother while drunk and KILLED HER. He did 90 days in jail.

If you ask me



Here's the thing: You drive impaired and kill someone? You are charged with MURDER.

Not incidental manslaughter. Not manslaughter at ALL.


You are going away for YEARS and YEARS all because....'s the thing.

If you MURDER someone, there's generally a reason. "They had wronged me", "I was trying to get ahead", "I'm fucking nuts", "Abortion should be legal" (Oh! The stark liberal throws in a potshot at abortion just to keep you off-balanced). If you kill someone via drunk driving, here's what you get:

"Yes, I know the consequences of driving impaired, but I just ended up deciding my insolent need to get from Point A to Point B was worth the life/lives/damages of other human beings. Oops".

So murder might be too good for them.

It's like raping 8 year old girls.

And even THAT can be excused away (if wrongly!) as a mental disorder.

And if we have sex offender registry, why don't we have drunk driver registry? First offense on a DUI, bam. Game over. Have fun with that big sign on your car and in front of your house. Maybe next time you won't be such a dick.

While we are at it:

There a law passed in Florida about 2 months ago. Since Florida allows carrying concealed weapons, it works like this:

At any time, in any place, if you feel threatened, you can OPEN FIRE.

I am not making this up.

Citizens are ALLOWED to OPEN FIRE WITH THEIR GUNS in PUBLIC. All based on how if they feel "threatened".

The NRA is declaring the passing of this bill as a "victory against crime". I like to think of the NRA itself as a victory against brains. It's new goal is to get this legislation passed in as many states as possible. And since the NRA wants us all to have Assault weapons and Cop-Killer bullets, I fail to see how crime stand the sight of...a legal use of firepower?

*shakes head*

We're fucking stupid.

The ACLU is constantly mocked and ridiculed and treated as an organization out to screw everyone while the NRA is heralded as valiant heroes. I don't get it. The ACLU takes up unpopular, but just causes and tries to defend the rights of each individual citizen. They even offered their services to Rush Limbaugh, free of charge, when he was being slandered maliciously in his pill-popping fiasco. And Rush has never cared much for the ACLU, but they were fair and tried to help fight injustice. The NRA supports U.S. citizens killing themselves and each other.

I can't believe the NRA is powerful. I can't believe that law in Florida passed. I can't believe anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together would want to own a gun.

"They are for protection!"


You want protection, buy a fucking force field. Guns as a protection, what the hell? Are you going to use it to block their attack? No. You just want to shoot someone. Don't give me that protection crap.

Two little numbers I remember from when I used to research issues better:

1) You are 300% more likely to have a gun related injury in your home if you OWN a gun than if you do not. (Can't get more protected than by increasing the likelihood you'll get shot triplefold)

2) You are over 22 times more likely to have your gun involved in the shooting of a family friend or relative than you are to ever use it to deter an intruder. (Good protection means doing the killer's work for them)

Diet Dr. Pepper does NOT taste "just like regular Dr. Pepper". It tastes like goddam DIET Dr. Pepper. Liars.

wicca, philosophy, gun control

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