In which I haven't updated in a while

Jun 30, 2009 21:37

Hi there to those of you WHO REMAIN.

The cool thing to do lately seems to be to de-friend me on LJ, which I have so infinitely less of a problem with than most people here seem to. I think in the span of June, 4 or 5 people de-friended me when, like, no one had for months before. All but one of which, I was fine with because it was people I never really connected with, but I was, admittedly, kind of shocked at that one. It's no biggie; I have not been the best of LJ friends, though I have tried to be better this month (to mixed results, mostly, it seems. I lose focus so easily. I go a few days trying to remember to reply to just about everything on my Flist, then it all goes to crap).

So...what's new with you all? What have I been missing? Fill me in.

I have discovered the absolute best cure in the world to my writer's block, and it is called FIRST PERSON PRESENT TENSE. I don't know why I never tried it before, but it is like the best thing I have ever done. My third-person narrative has always been so stunted and choppy and repetitive, and it was by far the weak-point of my story-telling, no matter how often I have tried to improve on it. So how do I improve? By turning descriptive paragraphs--my weakness--into what is essentially dialogue--my strength. Everything now is written in my characters' voices, and it flows so much better. Amazingly better. Spectacularly better. It's absolute genius. Instead of my jilted narrative voice, everything is in my characters' fun voices.

There are aspects of it that do limit me--I can't reveal or hint at things my characters don't know or realize, so building suspense will be more difficult--but idea. evar.

I seriously miss so many of you. I promise to go through all my most recent entries after I write this and open tabs for all the entries I see so I can reply to them. If I have missed any important entries, feel free to direct-link them.

Past these small, unimportant I have no humorous observations or anecdotes (quick fact: I originally typed "observations" as "obersevations". not even close). A lot of what makes my LiveJournal almost, kind of, pretending to be, sort of, in the realm of, nearly, quasi-worthwhile has vanished. I've been a mopey little girl lately. I've really been HANDLING things better, actually, because it seems like I have finally learned useful life lessons on dealing with other people and myself, but I am not processing or accepting things any better. So...I have, like, half-grown up. As a human being. That's almost something, right?

I really want to go to grad school I have it narrowed down to two schools near[-ish] me. They both offer either entirely or mostly online graduate programs. I just can't seem to...figure out what I want to go for, or what I'll do for money. It's so imposing. When I was going to college, my grandmother handled most of the loans and grants paperwork, so I dealt with very little of it besides getting the money, and later, the loan repayments. I just can't figure if I want to go for EDUCATION, or BUSINESS, or just get a Master's in something like History or Poly Sci and go into teaching that way. And I can't afford to lose ANY time at work, so I can't do anything that requires me needing a real class schedule (hence why online classes are solid gold for me). Why are life decisions so hard? Why is my BA, like my natural skillset, so unimpressive?

I'd like to send feelers out to IUP and Cal U this weekend and at least talk to some advisers. I'll see how that goes and report back. This was boring and awful. Sorry guys.

writing, lj

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