Mar 11, 2009 08:47
I've always thought this, but it's nothing I've ever said aloud.
The concept of ever getting married frightens me for one really lame reason. If I was getting married tomorrow...I have no clue who my best man would be.
And not in some sitcom-y kind of "I can't choose between my three best friends!" kind of way. But in a "I don't have any close friends that are guys" kind of way. I mean, hell, beyond the best man, I would have to assemble some kind of whole wedding party? There's no way.
That's really kind of sad. I used to have a bunch of really close friends: Sean, Chad, Duffy, Jared, Justin, Evan, my cousin Paul. Nowadays, I'm just not close to any guys. If I had to pick a Best Lady, I could do THAT; I could pick Erin or Abbey or Trinity or Tina or Heather. But I just have no real guy friends to speak of anymore. We all grew apart or moved apart or just don't speak anymore. It makes me feel even more lame than usual. Some of them moved out of the area, some of them...we just changed a lot. And given that I was the one for a long time always trying to get us to hang out and do things together, after a while, I just became anti-social and stopped caring.
I always imagined I could at least fall back on Paul, but gods is he a douche lately. He's just turned into little mister Political Confrontation Angry All The Time Man, and it's so obnoxious. I can barely stomach dealing with him, unless it is in person (where he is eminently tolerable and fun and polite), but considering I only see him, like, once or twice a year....
It works both ways, the same thing I am going on about here also implies that I will never be chosen as anyone's best man, either (or as any part of their wedding party). That's...what it is. Chad invited me TO his wedding a few months ago, and I just didn't go. I kind of hemmed and hawed about it, but it ended up that the only people I'd know there would be a few people from high school I don't talk to anymore, and Chad and I only spoke sparingly these days anyway, so...
Yeah. I need to find some new guy friends to be close to, but that's even harder than meeting female friends. So I probably won't. And if I ever get married...I'll just NOT have a best man? Is that even an option for anything more than a civil ceremony? Seems unlikely.
I'm just going to throw something out here, and let all my faithful decide what to make of it: I anticipate a lot less time spent on LJ over the coming [amount of time = long]. I'm going to work harder on my actual writing, and I really want to dedicate myself to that in my free time. This entails that I may well only update once a week (or every other week, even), and may actually check my Friends List even less often than that. It's not you, it's me. :-p I really want to seek about some serious level of self-improvement in my life in the terms of steady, dedicated writing, exercising regularly, and continue my career-hunting.
I just want to throw that out there and let you all know so you can do whatever you want to do. I'm not saying I'm going to do a Friends Cut or anything, because I'm not a big fan, but I'm going to start being much less active on here while I start using the bulk of my free time to write more and jog and spend time with Kathleen.
For all I know, this will last approximately three days, and I'll be all "LOL HAI, I WAS WRONG, I HAD LESS FUN, SO NOW I'M BACK", but I am pretty serious about it for now, especially the writing aspect. I very much want to use my time to force myself to start getting stuff out, and hopefully that will put me back on the right track.
So..sorry if that bothers anyone. I don't want to be just a useless sop on any of your lists, though, so I'm just letting you all know. :) There are many of you, that I quite enjoy speaking with here, and I hope to continue to be able to do so. Just...less frequently. :p
Apparently Miley Cyrus wants to "ruin" Radiohead.
I read this on AOL a few days ago. I guess they were both at the Grammy's, and Miley has always really appreciated Radiohead, so she had her people ask their people if she could meet them and tell them what a fan she is, and they refused. Upon hearing this, Miley Cyrus was upset and at some point used the phrase "ruin them" in regards to what she would do about it.
To which I say, more power to you, Miley. They are a bunch of pretentious fuck-knobs. If you can somehow get them out of the public eye forever, I'd be thrilled. They are valueless.
This is not the kind of thing I often talk about here, but I read the story and was really amused. That girl is just a disaster area waiting to happen, with all the photos she has gotten in trouble for, and the random things she has said; it's just kind of funny, but on the other hand...she's 15 years old. How much self-control did anyone have at 15? How many people, at 15, ever thought "Should I NOT take this picture of me making slanty eyes? Is this is bad taste?" None. They just laugh and giggle and do it. And if you turn a 15 year old into a star and a future sex symbol (which, let's face it, society is), you can't be surprised when she is kind of thrilled with the role and takes bare-back shots and pictures revealing her bra.
I've never seen her show or anything like that, though I do have her first single on my iPod. But if she can find some magical Billy Ray-given power to destroy Radiohead, she'll have a fan for life in me. I will start buying DVDs of her show.
Watch out, Radiohead! You have spurned Miley Cyrus, and now the Karma Police are going to GET YOU.
(they DID sing that right? or am I thinking of some other group of whiney turdballs?)
Here's one thing I really miss about the Republicans being in power: Rush Limbaugh's obsolencence (I just made that up). It's so annoying with him back in the media, doing his Rush Limbaugh thing. The man is kind of a joke, though. There's an interesting article in Newsweek this week, from a conservative, saying that it is his opinion that Rush is purposely trying to destroy the Republican party with his current amped-up douchebaggery. Rush's ratings and revenue and speaking costs all increase when the Republicans are down, because his dittoheads want to hear his vitriol and rage about what's going on, so the theory is that Rush gains influence, power, and money when the Democrats are in control. So he, in turn, goes out and puts his mammoth face everywhere he can (seriously...Rush Limbaugh makes Michael Moore like a weight-obsessed dieter. Also, sane and rational), and says retarded things like "I hope Obama fails" and spews rage everywhere he can, and makes a poopload of dollars.
The man is just apeshit. No conservative I, but it's sad to see the Republican party fall so far away from the ideals of Reagan and Buckley and Goldwater and Eisenhower--guys that I would not have agreed with on much, but at least respected because they ad IDEAS and PLANS and passion for improving the country--and into the arms of Sean Hannity and Rush and Ann Coulter--guys that just want to make a quick dollar and never have any ANSWERS to any problems other than yelling "the other party really sucks!" loudly. Well, that's not true. They have one other answer: tax cuts. Because the last eight years of tax cuts have done such a bang up job getting us where we are.
Not that the Left doesn't have it share of retards, but they never seem to have the same level of blind, incompetent rage that Rush and his ilk seem to have. Maybe it's just me.
The best thing about Rush? He polls so low in the opinion of women, minorities (well, let's face, Rush is the PREDOMINANT racist in America. Whereas many Republicans don't care about minorities, Rush Limbaugh actively hates black people any way he can. I can't think of a pure racist in America who has risen has high as Rush has), and young people, that his influence is not only shrinking, but also becoming increasingly negative. Which, as was pointed out in the Newsweek article, is probably exactly what he wants.
But please, Rush. You keep making fun of Michael J Fox for having a crippling disease (remember that? when he accused Fox of "embellishing" the effects of Parkinson's to get sympathy? if that's true, then I accuse Rush of embellishing being a fat fucking glob to get people to feel sorry for his sweaty, barely-mobile ass) and hoping that the country fails and downing your Oxycontin like candy. Every time you do, it helps my party out.
rush limbaugh,
best man,