Feb 20, 2009 18:28
I will mildly regret posting this in about 5 minutes, but I am still going to. I'm usually such a drama-free, passive guy who never has a problem with anyone, though, and I just figured this is something to blog about.
So, as many of you know, I had joined a LiveJournal meet people community a few months to meet some fun new people to share my meandering with; just folks I can talk to here and get to know and have fun on this site with (That is two sentences in a row ended with a preposition...I know at least one of you is keeping track). Well, one person that friended me there got all pissy with me yesterday. It was awesome.
I generally had no problem with her--she posted all kinds of stuff in one of those cries-for-attention kinds of ways about all the drugs she was on and how she was going to take them all at once to kill herself, so I usually just ignored her, even though she sometimes posted, like, 5 or 6 times a day; scrolling through my Friends Page was usually a lot of me going "Jesus Christ. Her again?", but she was fine enough, so...not a problem.
Well yesterday when I was trying to catch up with my Friends Page, I saw she posted four music videos in four separate posts, so I figured "This is kind of ridiculous". And I left a comment saying "In the future, could you put all these in one topic? Not trying to be rude, just making a request for the future". Well, she replied saying "Why does it bug you? Btw., I think we ought not to be friends because we have absolutely nothing in common. Shame, but, there we are. If you don't want to watch these videos, then don't". So I replied just saying that not watching them is not a problem, but when I am trying to catch up on my Friends Page, it'd be nice if I had as many entries as one page could fit without having to go back. And she replied with--wait, let me cut and paste it from the LJ email--"Get fucked, then".
Which was fine. I figured that should have been the end of it.
Well before I de-friended her, I saw she made a whole post of it. About how I was unbearably rude to her, and she never complained about my boring entries, and I use ADD as crutch to be a jerk (Okay, this one made me laugh. I don't have ADD, and--though I often joke in here that I ADD out on things--I absolutely do not even think that I do), and I'm a "boring twat", and she'll make as many posts as she wants because she is unemployed, bored, and mental (all her words), and that I like manga, so that says all it needs to about me. And then she posted a bunch more videos saying she hopes it annoys me.
I obviously wasn't going to say word one about it originally, but if we want to play the "bitch about people on your journal" game, I can do that, too.
I don't really think I did anything terribly unacceptable, but who knows? It's not the biggest hassle in the world to scroll past useless entries, but it's not the biggest hassle to put them all in one post, either. So I don't see why my simple request was met with so much anger and vulgarity and backlash. Hopefully the next time she makes a big to-do about trying to kill herself or getting smashed on her pills and booze, she will blame me and my heartless plea to make one post when four aren't needed.
Okay, that was kind of indignant of me, but it's just been SO LONG since I've had any kind of vague annoyance at a real person. Politicians, the Steelers, inanimate objects...it's been so long since I've had a real individual, known person to let out over. Hee. I forgot how fun it initially is before it just feels like a drain on my emotions. Hee. Oh, righteous indignation, how I've missed you. Like an old friend.
I think it was the manga insult that got to me most. :) I mean, is being a self-absorbed, whiny, pessimistic brat obsessed with all the diagnoses of mental disease you've accrued and the pills you've got from them really somehow worse than liking a childish genre of entertainment? DOUBT IT.
LOLz. I really wasted WAY too much time and energy going into that. It's so not like me. :) I apologize for putting you all through it; there'll be more crazy ass nonsense and absurdity and idiocy coming your way next entry, I promise. All the stuff you usually expect from me. This was an aberration.
So how are YOU doing?
drama llama