Feb 04, 2009 21:35
I finally got the mail in rebate for my cell phone (I say "finally" because I had to wait a whole...what....3 or 4 weeks? And I had really started wondering why I had no heard anything yet. I WANT MY MONEY), and it arrived in a weird format.
It did not come as a check that I can merely deposit; it came as a liitle faux-credit card thing that has $50 loaded on it. This is weird to me; I feel like it is pressuring me to stimulate the economy by going out and spending this card since I can not deposit it into my checking account for saving. It's kind of a neat idea, I guess, but...just curious.
So now I am reconsidering if there are any items I really kind of want? The smaller HDTV (19", 22", or 26") I was looking at at Best Buy? The XBox 360 or Wii I had been considering for a while before they fell out of favor? The boxed set of Black Cat that Best Buy has?
This is why I hate carrying money. Now that I have some physical form of "cash" that I can not just deposit and save, I feel like I am under peer pressure to rid myself of it as quickly as possible. Physical reminders of money make me realize money is inherently worthless, but what I can get with money makes me inherently happy. For at least a few minutes. And really...what is life but a collection of "few minutes"?
Don't answer that.
I'm not the kind of person that can ever accurately guess the end of mysteries or thrillers. I think this was made abundantly clear during my playing of the Phoenix Wright series, where--over the course of 4 games and 18 trials therein-- guessed the major details of MAYBE two or three of them in a ballpark's worth of correctness. I accept that I allow myself to get absorbed into the scenarios of media, and that makes it harder for me usually to get an objective handle on the goings-on that would be "clues".
That said, I have been able to successfully assume the endings of movies twice in my life. We were talking about this at work today, and how often we are able to figure out clues to put things together. One of them was the movie The Sixth Sense, but there was hardly any detective work going on there. I saw Bruce Willis get shot, and I knew the kid talked to dead people...it was not so much of an "AH HA" on my part, as I just thought it was supposed to be the plot. I remember when the movie ended, and there was the whole reaction of "OMG" from everyone around me, I was shocked that it was apparently not supposed to be a given that Bruce Willis was dead. I thought it was a major plot point.
The other occurrence always makes me chuckle, so I think I will relay it.
After months of nagging me, I finally let my buddies talk me into seeing Fight Club. I listened to them meander endlessly about the stellarness of this flick and finally was made to watch it. After about 15/20 minutes, here is the exact dialogue we had.
Me: ...Brad Pitt and Ed Norton are the same guy.
Buddies: OMG! No one can figure that out! How did you know?
Me: Do you really want to know?
Buddies: Yes! That's amazing!
Me: Okay. I was sitting here thinking "God, this is a fucking terrible, stupid movie. ...What would be a fittingly terrible, stupid ending?" And that is what I came up with.
Buddies: ...
I'm not saying Fight Club is a bad movie or anything, but it led to a long-standing belief that I had the choice between reading an entire book Chuck Palahniuk ever wrote or eating an olympic weightlifter's sweat sock, I'd do the latter.
Speaking of work, Tina and I have been in a rare mood of late, pretty much doing nothing but quoting Arrested Development, thanks in large part to the fact that we have both started re-watching it of late. I even mentioned to my friend Kathleen yesterday that Tina and I must remark to each other "I don't care for Gob" about 10 times a week.
I can never stress how fantastic this show is.
I can't imagine how people around us can stand it. It's just "REMEMBER THAT EPISODE..." and "AND HE WAS LIKE..." or "AND THE TIME THAT..." We are such obnoxious little fanboys. It is always Arrested or The Office or Phoenix Wright or some movie with us. Just a constant stream of media whoring. Today we even slipped in some Simpsons references. Dorkiness abounds.
She finally borrowed my Apollo Justice: Ace Attoney, too, so in a few days, we'll be able to start referencing that all the time. Abbey and I will, too, as she should be getting hers in the mail shortly! Oh, joy! Nothing makes me happier than reliving anything Phoenix Wright based! See my icon? Nick agrees.
arrested development,