Here's the worst part of working a plebeian job: public music. Now, granted, I'm not a huge appreciater of music as a whole, but I am one of the "I know what I like" types. And here's what I don't like: listening to the same average-at-best crowd-safe music over and over and over again over the course of a few months.
At B&N, we've had some truly terribly music. Beatles. Beatles covers (now say what you will about the "greatness" of the Beatles, but they are an awful band to have to listen to repeatedly, because as it is, all the Beatles do is sit and repeat lyrics over and over). Carly Simon. Just other various, horrible things. Here is how I've noticed the progression goes of listening to the same CD over and over. Let's take the James Taylor CD we've been playing since well before Christmas:
First or second listening: "Hey, this is pretty good. I have enjoyed James Taylor's guest appearances on shows I like such as The Colbert Report and South Park."
Sixth or seventh listening: "You know, I'm really kind of getting tired of this. I hope it goes out of circulation here soon, and we get something else."
And so it goes.
I'm not sure how many of my Friends List reads manga or watches anime, but I thought I'd throw this out.
I'm looking for good recommendations. Preferably manga because I have more access to that than anime, but either is good. Here's a collection of some titles I already greatly enjoy:
Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z
Azumanga Daioh
Love Hina
Black Cat
Kage Tora
Death Note
Beet the Vandel Buster
That's a good enough list, I suppose. I'm blanking on a lot of other things I know I've liked. I'm not looking for super obscure stuff, so you don't need to impress me with stuff I've never heard of :).
Thanks in advance.
Two days ago at work, I had a really weird triad of songs stuck in my head on a loop. When I wasn't humming or singing one of them to myself, I was with one of the other two.
The songs?
Click to view
Click to view
Click to view
I told you: odd.
It's going to be the same thing today since I just watched them.
Cooking is so is so fun....
Oh well. At least I just got it stuck in Abbey's head, too.
Sorry for all the embedded videos. I will do that as sparingly as possible.
I'm actually kind of addicted to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog right now. Entry has been put on hold so I can watch some of it.
I'm a good guy, so I'm going to use some LJ space here to offer free advice to our President-Elect Barack Obama.
Advice: Watch Fox News.
Sounds odd, right? What kind of advice is that?
Well my primary advice to President-Elect Obama is have a 24-hour loop of his acceptance speech and his 2004 Democrat convention speech playing in the Oval Office, so he never forgets the kind of leader and President he promised us he'd be.
But my new advice is to watch Fox News.
Because we just took eight years of an insulated President who ignored the media and lived in a world of what he was told by those around him. I really don't think Bush had any idea what the American people thought of him or what they wanted; all he knew was that he had been elected, so obviously everyone liked his decisions. I don't think it was until the past few months that he realized he was held in such low esteem by the masses when the GOP shut him out of their convention and the Republicans were getting creamed in elections and shoes were being hurled at his face. The last thing we need is another President who ignores large segments of the population and doesn't believe they exist. We can't abide by a President who just believes what those closest tell him is going on in the world without seeing it himself.
So Barack Obama needs to watch Fox News. He needs to listen to talk radio. He needs to read the 800 newspapers that Rupert owns. He needs to see what the people that pre-disposed to hating him think, and he needs to find a way to reach out to them and work with them. I'm not saying he should turn conservative or abandon his base, but he needs to be open to all opinions and ideas about his presidency. He seems like he really WANTS to be, what with his whole Lincolnian "Team of Rivals" Cabinet, but he needs to stick with it for the next 4-8 years. Take in all points of view, and honestly consider why the people that say bad things about you are doing it. Now, accept that Ann Coulter and Michael Savage are batshit fucking crazy and have no concept of what is going on in the universe outside the cobwebs in their skulls, but still. *shrug*
I know this is invaluable advice, B. I hope you listen. And you can thank me with an appointment to the Supreme Court. I'd be excellent as a Justice.