Dec 11, 2008 16:29
I don't think there is much in the world more hideous than newborns. They are just...blech. Terrible. Awful. Disgusting. Why can't these things wait a bit longer to come out?
Look, newborns have two modes: Alien and Winston Churchill. Neither is all that charming. I hate seeing them on the cover of books.
No real reason...I just saw a set of quintuplets on a book today from when they were newborns, and they actually turned my stomach. Is that wrong?
I saw the stupidest cover story to a magazine ever this week. This gave me massive LOLz.
The cover story to Civil War Magazine: Long-Lost Letters of General [Robert E.] Lee's Prove That He Favored Slavery And Fought Hard To Defend It.
---INTERRUPTION: I almost didn't catch myself, but I originally typed "slavery" as "slavory". Yes, those servants are delicious, I guess. ANYWAY...--
I mean, really? Wow, thanks for the news fucking flash, magazine. What's next? World War II magazine's expose: "Found Transcripts Show Hitler Might Not Have Liked Jewish People?"
Say what you will about what the Civil War was really about--states' rights and the right to secede--but without slavery, it never would have come to a head and the conflict would not have come to pass. So why am I supposed to think "WHAT? A Southern Civil War person favored slavery? SHOCK". Wrong. Shut up. Get out.
The Civil War also bores me to tears. I have relatives and friends that are fascinated by it; I am not. I am a World War II student; I appreciate how World War II altered the world and its landscape drastically and completely changed so much about the way the world worked. The Civil War was boring stupid ass shenanigans, and if the North had had a brain, it would have cut its losses and let those fucktards go play Nation for a decade or so until they came crawling back to us like a toddler who thinks he can tie his own shoes without daddy's help. That would have killed "Southern Pride" dead.
Seriously. Fuck the South.
Fuck their food. Horrible crap.
Fuck their drawl. Learn to speak at a pace that doesn't physically age me.
Fuck Nascar. Seriously...what the living hell? Get a life.
Robert E Lee might have favored slavery and fought for it....I swear to god, it's got to be a really hard life being the genius who thought this was news.
I was watching the episode of the Daily Show that Mike Huckabee was on. I really like Hucks. He seems like a great guy, if a totally incompetent leader who should never have any real power. Anyway, he was on the Daily Show, and Jon Stewart got him into a debate over gay marriage. First of all, I like getting to see firsthand how truly ludicrous and ridiculous the argument against gay marriage is; it is laughably bad (two of Huck's biggest points were: The definition of a word IS desperately important, and that marriage exists to give us the next generation. So, in other words, dictionaries are more infallible than the Bible, and sterile men and infertile women should now be banned from getting married, as well as couples who choose not to procreate. Hurray!) I have never ever understood the rationale for disallowing gay marriage, and after watching Stewart shoot down every single thing Hucks said, I understand it even less. But hey. Whatevs. We'll get there eventually. The best thing about being a Progressive is the knowledge that you ALWAYS eventually win. It just takes some waiting some time.
The second best point here, is how my dad was actively arguing with the TV, debunking Huckabee's points, and calling his stance on the silliness it is. My dad's tolerance is so weird; He has no problem with gay people wanting to get married...he thinks that should be legal, but if he sees a commercial on TV that shows an interracial couple, he flies off the handle about how wrong that is and how society should not want us to accept it as "right" or "normal". If gays want to adopt, we should be happy to let kids have the caring family, he says, but all Mexicans and Muslims in the world hate our country and want to see it taken down and dismantled. John McCain was an idiot with no good ideas, terrible desire to use even more military force, and archaic economic policies according to my dad, but he voted for Nader just because he refused to vote for a black man even more than he refused to vote for someone who would be a disaster as a leader, in his opinion. My dad also refers to Barack Obama as President N. GUESS WHAT THE N STANDS FOR. Sigh.
Still looking into getting a new laptop. Any advice? Not too expensive. My college lappy was a Compaq Presario, and it was top-of-the-line and great. It worked well, was fast, did everything I needed it to. This is also a Presario, but it was inexpensive, and continually suffers mystery ailments and already seems like it is on its way out. Got anything to share with me?
Anyway, this is why I haven't been LJing (or writing...grr) much...I just get so annoyed with my computer fan so quickly that I turn my computer off a lot. It's not even that bad--I'm overreacting a bit--I just would rather keep it secure than do too much stuff needlessly. You know?
civil war,
gay marriage,
daily show