I have gone through a general bit of...emo lately. Really missing things gone by. Just...looking at old pictures, and reliving old memories, and....I don't know. Not really knowing how I'm getting by without what I used to have.
Just...lately....I've really been missing...
I'm making fun of myself. I really do miss the game, though. I haven't played it in...geez....almost a year, I'd guess. Think the last time I actually played a game was June or July.
I've been supposed to go to Regionals events twice since the end of January, but the world forces keep moving against me. The first Regionals was to be the day after my mom died (I still could have gone, but it dawned on me I'd feel superficial. In retrospect....meh! Should have gone!), and the second was the one day in the last half a year that I was sick ( the past several months, dating back to October, I believe, I've only been sick one day. But it was a fierce headcold, and I knew there's no way I'd be able to concentrate hard enough to make plays in a strategy game).
I don't really have any designs on winning a Regional event (my best ever Burn deck was mired in a perpetual 6-2 rut at Regional events when I used to go semi-regularly; I could Top 20 or so, but not Top 8), but I'd like to go and see how the game has changed and see if I still enjoy playing. What I really miss are having friends that I could play with casually, constantly deck-building and playing and deck-building and playing. The Regionals environment is so cut-throat and net-decked. But whatevs. I look at my binders mourningly these days. :)
I've been a less-than-worthy LJ friend lately. I haven't been commenting much on the entries of others, even the one entry Brenna wrote in the past few weeks. I'm just too lazy, really. I've been reading all entries, I just feel like I have so little to add by clicking "Comment". So...sorry, all. I'm just less insightful than ever! I promise to work on this as of tonight. I'm going to go through and comment on my friends! I am a good human being, you know.
Matt Hasselbeck is on a Reebok commercial! ...And Stacy Kiebler makes fun of his dancing. Damn you, Stacy Kiebler! You evil, evil woman.
That's a good ending. Sure.