It's tough to follow up my last entry! I haven't had anything really notworthy to say, and I keep thinking "People will view me as insensitive if I just start diatribing silly matters so immediately following the weekend events". But really, I'm full of A.D.D., so I stopped caring.
Been doing a lot of work. Getting stuff taken care of. People are going to be upset with me, but at least I have an out!
Has anyone else seen the Mitt Romney + Black People thing? I caught it on the Daily Show and I DIED. It's seriously the most awkward thing in my life I have ever seen not on an episode of The Office. It's good ol' Plastic Mitt campaigning before a group of black people. At one point, he is posing with a few of them for a picture, and he says "So...who let the dogs out? Woo. Woo. Woo." Later on, he goes up to a mother and her baby and says "It looks like you've got some bling-bling there".
It's seriously like watching an episode of The Office where you KNOW Michael is going to say or do something horribly inappropriate and YOU CAN'T STOP HIM. You just watch the TV and mutter "Oh God, Mitt, no. Don't...don't do....oh God. Mitt."
WHO LET THE DOGS OUT? WOO WOO WOO. THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT A 40-SOMETHING YEAR OLD PRIVILIGED WHITE MORMON SHOULD SAY WHILE POSING WITH A GROUP OF BLACK VOTERS. OF COURSE. What kind of handlers does this man have? The same kind that told W it was a good idea to ask the President of Brazil "So you have blacks, too?"
My brain feels like it's trying to escape my skull sometimes.
Anyway, the first time I saw the clip, I just sat wide-eyed thinking "There is no way I just saw that". When that passed, I just laughed hysterically for minutes.
Oh, Plastic Mitt. You slay me. Suddenly I hope you get elected so I can rejoice in your silliness for years to come.
In lieu of that, you can move back to Utah and marry, like, a dozen 14 year old girls.
Either way, you are full of win.
Click to view
Hope that works. Ta-da!
Now I'm searching YouTube for a clip of Ron "Apeshit Crazy" Paul saying that the Civil War was stupid because the North could have just bought up all the slaves and let them go.
Oh, political season. How, you inspire me.