After she'd finished up her homework for, Will took the opportunity to throw a CD in her diskman and sprawl out on her bed. Last week had been weirder than usual. On Monday, she'd gotten a grammar book on Monday from
a very young looking Santa Claus. On Wednesday, she'd been drafted by Valentine into
being the writer for some movie about a flaming demon and a rubber chicken, and
hadn't even gotten any royalties out of it. On Saturday,
a weird couple from some 50s TV show had demanded that she play the trumpet. She hadn't talked to
Teddy in a couple days, but she'd heard via the radio that some tough stuff had happened to him over the weekend.
For the moment, she just closed her eyes and hummed along to the music. She enjoyed letting her mind wander like this every now and then.
(OOC: Door closed, post open.)