Experiment 03

Dec 17, 2011 01:48


[It's Naze's usual raspy voice chiming in over the phone, chiming in during the late afternoon now that people have seen what's going on]

Interesting. So the town thinks we'll be satisfied with these kinds of replacements? They're honestly disgusting... but at least more convincing than the usual drones. I'm curious as to what makes them tick...

I'm sure you're all sick of looking at them already, so I'm sure you'd just love to get rid of them. And I'd just love to take them off your hands. I want to interrogate a few... and while I doubt there will be much biological difference, well, it couldn't hurt to look, could it? [At least, not for her. It might hurt the "new drones" quite a bit though...] We should really get to know the enemy, don't you think?

If you'd like to round any of them up and bring them over to 1664 Nelson Street, I'd be most pleased, but really, just telling me who you know has been replaced, what they look like and where I can find them is good enough. I just want your permission first since, even if we all know they're nothing more than talking meat sacks, they bear an uncanny resemblance to loved ones, and it's perfectly normal if completely irrational to have some sentimental attachment to them and not wish harm upon them. [NOT THAT SHE. WON'T BE KIDNAPPING AND EXPERIMENTING ON "NEW DRONES" WITHOUT PERMISSION ANYWAY...]

And to all you squeamish types out there, just remember, they're not really people. They're just constructs to replace the victims they took. An insult, if anything.


[Naze is walking around with her usual mask on, which makes her kind of suspicious looking... but doesn't particularly seem up to anything. In fact, she's going around, engaging in conversations with random people... of course, if you're a normal resident she might converse for a while, or a normal drone, be ignored. But if you're one of the NEW drones... well, don't be surprised if you suddenly take a hypodermic needle to the side and wake up somewhere else... possibly tied to a table.]

[OoC: Besides waiting for people to turn in "drones", Naze is also out hunting recommendations... as well as just random "erased" people! Science demands samples, after all! She'll be taking control groups that she just talks to, those she interrogates, as well as those she actually takes a more in depth examination of... which can include impromptu surgery and vivisection. I'm cool with people escaping from her, fighting back, being mercifully let go unharmed, or experimented on, etc! She doesn't have any (combat-related) super powers currently, so anyone with that kind of thing can probably escape her pretty easily...]

i will approch this scientifically, biology major, mad scientist, vivisection, begin the experiment, "i wish she didn't smile"

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