portal shivered, shook even harder and then with a strobe of light imploded, vanished; the thread of light that had connected it and Tony's repulsor snapped, and he almost fell, heedlessly staring.
At the point where Duo had disappeared.
No, that was the wrong word. That's what they used for what happened to people, what removed them forcibly from this universe. This wasn't a disappearance. It was a sacrifice.
A violent shudder of the station almost tipped him over, and reminded him that he had to make that worth something. He strode to the center of the room, dropping the visor, checking his read-outs. No interference. Complete access to all the station's systems.
Thank you, Duo Maxwell.
"I have the station," he said. "Time to hit the brakes." He thrust his hands down, as if taking off, but the repulsors didn't fire; instead, the station lurched, almost jumped as all the thrusters came on at full burst, the ones that had been driving them down switching off.
He did the math.
He almost did it again, but not liking the result wouldn't make the answer change.