you're not gonna reach my telephone

Jan 23, 2010 14:08

It was time, Tony thought, to revisit the idea of long distance communications.

Such as it was. Odd thing, that, a year or more on the island and you started thinking about ten miles as long-distance. A missile that covered ten times that distance was still short-range. A man with one of those could sit on the second island and blow up whatever he wanted to.

A problem for another time. Right now, he wanted to be able to talk to someone on the other side of the island without walking there and finding them. Any sort of co-ordinated response needed it.

The problem was it didn't work. The problem was it should work, but it didn't work. He had a makeshift antenna up on the water tower, linked to a very basic routing system, a cellphone in either hand, and calling achieved nothing. No ring, no good. He had diagnostics on the router, sure, and it'd be interesting to look at, but it just didn't follow; The radio worked. this should work.

Someone was gumming up the works. Never in the best of moods at the moment, Tony didn't like that.


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