[EXO] [PD9] So I Don't Have to Dream Alone

Mar 08, 2014 21:38

Title: So I Don't Have to Dream Alone
Fandom: EXO (sort of fused with Final Fantasy VII, plus some geography and unnamed cameos from FFVIII)
Series: Phoenix Down (#9)
Rating: R for violence
Genre: AU, crossover (sort of)
Pairing: Lu Han/Jongin, Lu Han/Minseok
Word count: 33,160
Disclaimer: Not mine, damnit.
Warnings: People are attacked by monsters. A lot of blood is shed. Also, contains suicidal ideation, background homophobia and prostitution.

Summary: Lu Han tells Jongin a bedtime story.

A/N: 9th in the Phoenix Down series, so please see Sweet as Honey, Sharp as a Sword for explanations. Takes place during #8, while the party are staying at Cosmo Canyon. Written for the hc_bingo square 'isolation'. This was meant to be a quick 5k sidequest about Lu Han's first time being summoned, but nearly 30k later... Title from the lyrics of 'Dream Lover' by Bobby Darin.

Many thanks to MC for too many reasons to mention! <3

Due to length, rather than split this up into 4 parts to get around LJ's limits, you can find this one at Dreamwidth or AO3.

pairing: lu han/jongin, rating: r, media: exo!fic, length: oneshot, series: phoenix down, genre: au, orientation: slash

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