Title: On the Road (Where You Don't Look Back) 3/3
Fandom: EXO (sort of fused with Final Fantasy VII)
Series: Phoenix Down (#6)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, crossover (sort of)
Word count: 27,046
Disclaimer: Not mine, damnit.
Warnings: There are a lot of corpses in this fic. However, none of them are characters.
Part 2 (
On the Road (Where You Don't Look Back) 3/3 )
Yep! Since my original starting point was supposed to be all about Kris and Chanyeol, I'm really not sure at what point I ended up thinking I had to have some lukai stories first, but it's all worked out okay, I think! ^_^ It's fun for me, too, changing POV every so often. Turning Kris into a dragon wouldn't work nearly as well as seen through someone else's eyes!
EXO is the fandom that keeps on giving. As long as the boys like to gossip about each other, they give me excellent fodder for fics.
Hah, yes, Kris can't keep his distance forever! They are all in this together - and they could all use some family, I think.
Jongdae should be an entertaining addition, I hope. (I will gloss over the FFVII issue of only being able to have three party members in a fight at any one time...)
Oh, I'm sure there will be more for them to tease Jongin about soon enough. He embarrasses so cutely. :-)
Correct! Sehun is the guy with the shuriken. They all measure up to one of the FFVII characters for weapons, and Sehun = Yuffie.
I'm so glad you enjoyed this (I would not want to screw up a story with Kris as the focus for you!), and thank you as always for the lovely comment! <3
Kris was surprised how well Yixing took being a unicorn but bro you didn't exactly freak out about being a dragon you know...LOL. All these capable people on one team
Kris...you know Luhan is keeping secrets...even as he dragged you out to drink and hang out with him. Actually Kris willingness to go with Luhan should have told him the jig was up on being distant.
Really...Jongdae's dream must have been very disturbing but convincing to have him pack up his life and follow Kris, who was kind of talking about being suicidal, into the desert. On the other hand he realizes what Kris must feel now.
Off into the desert we go...
Kris...you know Luhan is keeping secrets...even as he dragged you out to drink and hang out with him.
I'm a bit mystified by this; I don't remember writing them hanging out... Or did you mean when Lu Han intercepts Kris on his way back from the track? They're not going drinking. Event Square is where the play takes place on the date - the date, in this case, being with Jongin and Lu Han. You will see in the next part where Kris ended up. ;-)
With Jongdae, the dream sort of confirmed a few things for him - and the fact that Jongin appeared in it before they'd even met effectively hammered the last nail in the coffin. Or, just, chalk it up to Kris's personality? Time will tell...
Kris's attempts to spend a quiet night in don't go quite as planned, as Lu Han - alone, and dressed differently to earlier - intercepts him on his way back and persuades him to go to Event Square. Kris proceeds to regret agreeing to this for the rest of the evening.
I don't remember anything about a play...it just said they were going to see the sights
Oh...Kris regrets so it must not have been fun
We shall see about sassy Jongdae and his motivations...yup
As for whether or not he had fun, he was looking for something to take his mind off the race the next morning, and it certainly worked in that sense! ^_^
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