Title: Attack of Nerves (2/5)
Series: JE Fleet
Fandom: JE (specifically, KAT-TUN)
Pairing: Akame, though others are mentioned
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 20,000
Genre: AU, sci-fi, crack, comedy, fluff, angst, you name it...
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the bands, individuals or songs mentioned within.
Summary: The crew of the JE Fleet ship KAT-TUN
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Comments 5
As of now I have no clue what is going on, but for soe reason my suspicions tell me to keep Uchi in mind... pink stripe scraped off and all... very interesting so far.
-and I just keep thinking about how rap is a code language and laughing all over again.
How do you do this?! I'm feeling like five different emotions at once! Gaaaah~~ ♥
Ah, you'll just have to remain in suspense till the next chapter!
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