Title: Fast Train to Chinatown (2/2)
Fandom: KAT-TUN
Pairing: Kame/Jin
Rating: R, just to be safe
Genre: Kind of AU
Word count: 14,410
Disclaimer: Not mine, damnit
Summary: Kame gets carried away with his new drama role, so Jin carries him off to Kobe for the weekend.
A/N: The photos linked in the text are mine, taken in February. My apologies to
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They do a whole lot of talking, because even during the times when Jin can't really communicate his feelings with words, they still have to work things out verbally somehow. Kame's confessed about as much as he's going to, I guess, in saying he likes Jin (mentally, I'm hearing him using "suki", not "ai shiteiru", so it could be love or like - Japanese is so convenient like that!). And I think it's still sinking in for Jin, even though he now knows Kame's liked him for so long. Of course poor Kame would really like to know where they stand, because he's so used to thinking of Jin not being interested that now Jin's not so unattainable after all, it's a very big deal for him. Like, can they go forward from here? Or should he just give up?
Well, what does work in his favour is that Jin feels comfortable around him - even if he's not sure how to make the transition from play dates to actual ones. They'll work it out somehow. ^_^
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