Title: Skirting Peril
Pairing: Akame
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, humour, crack
Word count: 6,440
Disclaimer: Not mine, damnit.
Summary: One day, Johnny handed the members of KAT-TUN transformation lockets and said, "From now on, YOU will fight the forces of evil." But being a magical boy isn't as easy as it looks on television.
Skirting Peril )
Comments 4
Love this story. It's so plot-packed and angst-free. Also, Peacefuldays, yay! And Jin being unfairly constrained by his horrible skirt. That must be so, uh, frustrating. :-)
Well, I don't know about it being plot-packed but it is most definitely angst-free, unless you count Jin and his skirt. I was determined to write something cheerful for a change, as opposed to horribly angsty and slightly optimistic! Glad you enjoyed!
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