this is what i've learned in the past few months, weeks, days.

Oct 17, 2003 15:24

live life. because u'll never know when you'll die. make each day special because you don't want to die doing routine things. and let your parents know that you aren't mad or wahtevers at them. because if they don't make it to tomorrow, they'll die thinking that you've hated them...not that i should talk because i've been purposely horribe to mine...but beacuse i know that this is true.

u'll never know what you have lost until it goes away. forever. and if you like someone, don't hold back, because you'll end up regretting it. if it doesn't work out, then it doesn't. don't chase after them. not for one day, not for 6 months, not for an year. not for 3 years. because when you look back, those are all parts of our life that has gone to waste to a uselss bastard/bitch. if they're taken, just tell them anyway. you'll never know if they're happy in their relationship. maybe they just need to have someone there so they won't feel lonely. and if they do accept you, as jen put it, there's something wrong with that person. and chances are, they'll ditch you for a better guy/girl. and so what if you're not a flirt. because if you really want someone, you'll go out of your way to get them. or get the hell over them. don't whine and complain that you've lost a competition you never had any game for. life is about competition. you can't do anything if you just sit in the sidelines and whine. it'll get u nowhere except eventually people's fists in your face.

when advice is given, take it or leave it. don't beat around the bush. don't ask..but waht if. but what if my ass. take it from someone who knows. get hurt. then you'll grow up and learn and not be a dumbass in the sidelines wondering.

don't ask too many questions. it leads to too much thinking.
don't whine, bitch, and complain everyday. makes people wanna rip your head off

and you know waht...don't be greedy. don't be posseive. don't be a hyprocrite. not a BIG HUGE one, at the least. and remember to always be picky. then you'll get the best in life. you'll get what you deserve.

don't think your life is meant to JUST BE WITH THAT ONE GUY. chances are, it sure as hell ain't gonna happen. don't say, i'm going to marry some hot white guy because it shows that you care about only impressions and what's 'ideal.' don't worry about being friends with EVERYONE. chances are, you don't realize what a fucker you are and how annoying everyone percieves you.

you won't get anywhere in life if you only just ask and worry about what ifs and how people see/think of you.

grow up. the world already has enough dumbfucks.

respect other people. don't be a rude fucker. even though many may not say it to your face, realize that no one will ever respect you. and you will not gain respect of others. sooner or later, they will see the kind of person you are and ditch you when they can.

don't assume it's possible to love. because frankly, it's not possible because you don't know what it is. until you may have possibly lost it.

don't go into a relationship..any kinda...having the hope that it won't end. everything ends. including life.

some people think it's the end of this world wen everything is not ok. 'if it's not ok, it's not the end' that's why life is full of taking risks. because if you truly don't, you really miss out on the great things in life. and you will never know...what could have been...because you may die tomorrow, or even today.

that is what i've learned because i've grown. it's what i live by because i stay true to myself. and it has gotten me to places regardless the tactics.
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