app for sumabura_gakuen

Aug 14, 2011 09:27

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Saffy duck
Are you over 15?: Yes
LJ username: grimandsmiles
Time Zone: +7 GMT B’V
AIM: chronocrator
E-mail: as above
Tegaki: GrimAndSmiles
Anything Else?: I wish I knew something witty to write here.

In-Character Information
Name : Pete
Game/Series: Power Stone
Teacher/Student/Other: Transfer Student
Canon Point: Post 2nd game
Age: N/A but probably a few decades old
Grade Level/Class Taught/Job: Freshman
Dorm or Living Arrangement: Dorms

Pete acts completely like a cheerful boy should; his mental age is around 7-10 years old. Very cheerful and curious, he’s very likely to ask hundreds of question when he’s curious on a certain subject, it doesn’t help that this part of personality comes from his inventor. He’s also quite mischievous, while he knows better than creating a school-wide panic with pranks, he still does smaller ones that would just surprise one or two people, it can’t be help, he’s easily amused when seeing the looks on his ‘victim’s’ faces.

Being a puppet, Pete has very, very limited expressions, though underneath is a very cheerful child. As his creator wished him to be boy-like, he has a personality like an average, cheerful boy. Due to being a puppet, he might need some time to fully understand how to do facial expressions once he obtains a human form. Ironically, he’s quite an emotional person, being the fact he acts like a child, he’s also likely to have childish outbursts when he can’t quite control them.

Though strangely, there’s a part of his personality that contradicts him from fully being a ‘real’ boy, which is his inventor’s emotions. See, the power stone not only animated him to life, but also transferred some of his inventor’s emotions upon his death. So while Pete acts like a child half of the time, he does posses some maturity. Said maturity doesn’t rise up much often, but it does exist, and it usually appears when Pete’s saddled with some sort of responsibility (re; Jack).

Speaking of Jack, Pete and the slayer has some sort strange relationship. While the two first encountered each other in the island, they had formed some sort friendship while attending Capcom High. At a side, the two are just (mentally) children hanging out, the other is Pete’s more mature side trying to keep an eye of Jack. Jack’s probably one of the few people who can trigger Pete’s other personality any time without much trouble. Pete in return worries about Jack, both for other’s safety and the slayer’s own. Because, hey, you can never be too sure about things, especially about psychotic murders with the mind of a child.

Another part of his inventor’s personality he obtained was his love of inventing, while his inventor was -at the core- a toymaker rather than something out of the ordinary like a mad scientist, he also enjoyed tinkering with electronics to some extent. Pete’s interest in inventing leans on technology than toys, this is also shown in his Power Change mode; Invention Boy, which makes him appear as a large toy robot.

Despite having a power stone within him, Pete shows no interest in putting it to its full potential or collecting other stones. In fact, Pete has a pretty passive nature and would preferably not fight others, opting to offer friendship instead. He’s very likely try to avoid conflict at all cost; it also helps that he can literally avoid it because of his small statue. His dislike towards fighting is supported by the fact he was forced to fight the other power stone users when they were all being kept in an island by Dr. Erode.

So, in a nutshell, Pete’s a puppet who acts like a child, but not fully like a child because he inherited his inventor’s personality. He also has a penchant to do pranks or make inventions, despite enjoying the former; he actually has a passive nature.

Once upon a time there was an inventor who wished his puppet came to life, that inventor died and Pete came to life. The end.

Okay no, there’s more than that. Years ago, there was a toymaker who lived all by himself in a small island. Other islanders had known this old man’s pregnant wife died in an accident before him, it wasn’t unheard of that the toymaker had always dreamt of having a child of his own. Considering the old man had a lot of time in hands, he started to craft a small wooden puppet, trying to mold it into what he imagines his son would look like. He had named the puppet Pete. The man knew well that his puppet won’t come to life like fairy tales, but he was at least content of creating some sort of small company.

One day, when the old toymaker was going on his business and strolled a bit in the island, he found a strange, yellow jewel. It had a strange gleam, curiously enough; he brought the strange jewel home. What had become even stranger is that there was this strange feeling the inventor had felt, this certain feeling that his wish for a son might come true if he put the jewel inside Pete. Well why not, he doesn’t believe it will actually come true and he won’t gain or lost anything if he does this anyways, so he carved a small compartment in Pete’s chest and placed the jewel into him.

Years passed and nothing changed, Pete did not come to life, as much as the inventor wished him to be. More years have passed and the inventor had reached his time and now in his deathbed. The other islanders weren’t all familiar with him due to his reclusive nature, so he was all alone in his room waiting for things to go black. His last wish was all the same as the thing he wished every day, for Pete to become a real boy, before he knew it, the man had died alone in bed.

However, meanwhile, in another part of the house which was the workshop, the toymaker’s dream came true and the small puppet slowly gains conscious. You see, what his inventor didn’t realize was, the strange stone had slowly gained him a sort of-soul, and he had listened and paid attention to his master. He was real now! Wait until his father sees him! The small puppet remembered he was suppose to be in his -what was it again? a ‘Bedroom’. As fast as his little feet can carry him, he searched for this ‘bedroom’. Eventually he found it, but his father had lain lifeless in his mattress. Now that he recalled it, he remembered that his father was near the brink of ‘death’ before he stayed in bed all day long. So he was dead before Pete came to life then… He wasn’t sure how to register this, except it felt like he had this gap in his chest, was he feeling a weird emotion? Maybe, he wasn’t all that sure.

But what is he going to now then? His father was ‘dead’. But he wasn’t going to give up though; his father always wanted him to be a real boy! Maybe if he traveled the world, he could possibly learn how to be one. The island was small anyways, that’s what his father had always murmured from time to time, and he also said seeing the world would be a good thing, so he’ll try that. He carefully climbed out of the window and head of to the world.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t easy as it sounds, Pete didn’t know much about the world, and it makes thing worst that the island barely has travelers. But when it did, he grabbed the chance and snuck into a small ferry heading out to another, and hopefully bigger, island. He repeatedly did this from island to island, staying for just a day or two and sneaking into the nearest departing boat later on. It wasn’t bad, he learned quite a lot in his travels. Unfortunately, his last trip was his biggest mistake. By chance, Pete had snuck into a boat filled with unconscious, captive people. What he didn’t know was that boat was filled with people holding a similar power stone -which he learned from his travels along the way- like his and was currently shipped off to an isolated island, forcing one another to fight.

Well, of course he didn’t realize this before it was too late and was forced to fight all the other power stone users. When they found out about the true mastermind, Dr. Erode, they all band together to put an end to his crazy plan; which was to create his own power stone after holding them all captive and (probably) draining their lives. After the defeat of the mad scientist, they all quickly escaped using Falcon’s plane. By the end of it, everyone became friends (or at least acquaintances) and bit each other farewell as they all part ways.

Unlike mostly everyone, Pete had nowhere else to come back to. He can’t return back to his old island, since no one knew he was a living puppet anyways, and he can’t just hop into every boat in fear of repeating the same mistake, so where would he go? It was a small idea, but he recalled hearing about some school that accepts anything, and really anything; it was Capcom High. Curious enough, he tried to give a hand in school, who knows, it might be fun!

Well it was sort of.

Don’t get him wrong, he loved the school, they always teach him interesting things and it was always full of interesting people. He just didn’t expect to find a familiar face in the student body. So apparently, he wasn’t the only one thinking of attending school, apparently, Jack did too. While he was he was happy to find a familiar face (really, he sincerely is glad to see Jack!) he still recalls that the gangly man was a bit too enthusiastic when in battle, it was another feeling he had yet to understand, but he feels like he had to keep an eye on the slayer.

Things were just like how it was in the island, they had a really rocky start, and he was sure that Jack would cut him up every time he meets. However, time passed by and the two did form some sort of mutual odd-friendship. He was sort of happy that Jack like having fun like him when he wasn’t interested in cutting things up or taking ‘shiny things’, when he does however, he goes into some sort of instinct(which he learned thanks to one of his other friends) and make sure to keep an eye on him.

When he learned that his friend was heading to the rival school for an exchange program, he was also asked by a teacher to keep an eye on Jack before things go chaotic, needless to say he had agree. After all, it was a matter of time and he didn’t want people to have a bad impression of their school or Jack.

Anything Else?:
- Anything related about Jack was already given an okay with Iyo. 8)b
- Needs more witty things here.

In-Character 1st person writing sample (journal):
Hi there Smash Academy, I’m Pete, I like to invent things; I’m learning to become a great inventor like my father was! But gosh, this a pretty big school, well, Capcom was big too, but it’s still hard to have a change of scenery after some time.

Say, I heard that you guys have some sort of neat things to make non-human students to becomes, well, human! Anyone can show me the ropes? I would really like to see those machines.
In-Character 3rd person writing post:
Pete carefully inspects his new dorm room, it seems like his roommate was out for awhile, so he was currently alone in the big, quiet room. It’s probably not all that big if he had a real body, but being a small puppet, everything seemed huge. The room feels nice though, Capcom’s was too, but both had a different feel to them. Out of curiosity, he decided to look into his roommate’s stuff a bit, surely they won’t mind right? After all, he was just looking, nothing bad like breaking or using it. Hmm… whatever his roommate’s like, they seem to have quite a variety of hobbies. Maybe they could play together later on or something! He isn’t going to try to pick a fight or anything like most students of both schools like to do when meeting one another, doing that is just stupid, they should all be friends and hang out together.

The small puppet heard the door creaked and light slowly seeped in; it seems that his roommate came back! Before he could even greet them, they already tried to murder him. Okay, maybe he had left a bad impression to his roommate, well; he’ll just have to slowly change that impression. They’ll get along and be friends eventually!

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